Thursday, November 22, 2012

Video: Some politicians already eyeing a 2016 bid

>>> all right. so ready or not and believe it or not, 2016 presidential posturing already in full swing, especially for republicans and why not? more than a dozen high-profile gop leaders already signaled interest in running for the white house in four years. and you know there are democrats secretly launching interests, too. as for the republicans the most vocal about moving past the party's mitt romney moment, well, they got an earful from one of romney's former campaign advisers on " morning joe " today. take a listen.

>> watching the republican officials now, trashing mitt romney , everyone's going out trashing --

>> i agree with you.

>> it is stunning. some of them talking to our tradition to position themselves for romney cabinet. five, six, days later, absolutely eviscerating him.

>> all right. you know? in one day, you're out the next. you know? i think heidi clklum says it best on "operation runway." want to bring in our guests. okay, gang. good to have you all here. martin, i start with you because as we heard there there were certain governors and republicans who have come out against mitt romney to fight back against certain comments that he made during that phone call to supporters like bobby jindal , susanna martinez and basically doubling down on the 47% comments behind closed doors and then convince everybody he's for the 100% but now the bloom is off the rose sort to speak. what can the gop do to set the stage for a 2016 comeback? is it exactly what we're seeing right now. standing up and being leaders against things that just don't make sense which are the comments that mitt romney 's made?

>> mitt romney was in disneyland yesterday and i think he's having plenty of fun while the advisers try to still defend him.

>> i lost the presidential election . what will you do? go to disneyland.

>> exactly.

>> people accuse him of being there all alistening.

>> but look. if you look at that list of people we had on politico's home page , 18 republicans . here's the good news. four minorities and no one old enough to take social security . if you're a republican and just wiped out in this election, you're ready to look to 2016 . you don't care about mitt romney anymore. you're like, okay, what do we have? we have a bright future here with women, minorities, with younger people and it's never too early. we're politico -- political junkies here. marco rubio has already been to iowa.

>> there is a deep bempbl of smart talent on the right. several names of front-runners. but take a listen to what jeb bush jr. and senator ran paul are saying about that very issue.

>> your dad going to run for president?

>> i don't know. no comment. i certainly hope so.

>> going to be another paul for president campaign?

>> that's classified. i can't tell you that. you don't have clearance to hear that. you know, i want to be part of the national debate. i think it's a little too soon to talk about what's going to run and not going to run and i don't know what will cam. if i interested in thinking about that? yes.

>> so some other names include governors chris christie and bobby jindal . which republican do you think is in the best position to make a run for 2016 ? is it chris christie ? his favorable rating, now 67%. up 19 points from september. and a lot thanks to sandy and probably the "snl" this weekend.

>> he did a good job on "saturday night live" but corey booker may run against him and beat him. who knows?

>> i think chris christie is well positioned. marco rubio is well positioned candidate. i don't know that that's going to help them. you mentioned or someone mentioned a lot of women and minorities in their list of 2016 candidates but, you know, they had a woman and minority in the candidates and still chose mitt romney . i think they have an issue to get over with in terms of picking the right candidate.

>> with finances, the right was pretty happy with the fact that paul ryan was chosen on the ticket considered to be a budget hawk on the hill. does he have a prospect, a brighter future because of the practice that he got out of going through this election and the lessons learned, possibly utilize that going forward?

>> this conversation reminds me of the stephen colbert skit of a committee to explore the question of whether or not they should create a committee. you know, clearly ryan is i guess somewhat self appointed, new right young thing of the party and listening to john boehner 's comments when asked if he's the leader of the party, there's disagreement in the party and bears remembering every time we have done this in the past election cycles, thought object who the likely candidates were, almost none of them ended up being the likely candidate. mitt romney is an exception and perceived to be a credible front-runner of 2012 and tim pawlenty .

>> experience of '08?

>> yeah. my point is --

>> traction.

>> we project forward based on who's the luminaries now. it often is someone we're not looking at under current dynamics and doing 18 or 19 i guess the likelihood of one of the 20 the people --

>> primaries again. now let's talk about the fiscal cliff and house and senate leaders expected to meet with the president next week and hopefully negotiations will continue. staffers reportedly have made little progress over the last week. politico is writing this saying that the gop 's opening offer, the sources said would freeze the bush era tax rates , change the inflation can clated for entitlement programs , keep the estate tate at 2012 levels and overhaul of the tax code and not provide a revenue target. martin, if this is the starting point, if that's the starting point -- are republicans as serious about compromise as they claim?

>> that offer's like the sticker price at a car dealership.

>> with room.

>> you know you won't pay that and then the big question unanswered now is will republicans budge on rates or revenue? we have to distinguish. republicans are open to increasing tax revenue by a cap in deductions, closing loopholes and so far they haven't shown willingness to moving tax rates up for upper income americans. do they talk about entitlements? folks on the left say we're not touching entitlements right now.

>> talk about what house speaker boehner said demanding that the president's health care law be on the table in the deficit talks, although didn't he tell diane sawyer it was the land of the law? anyway, the cincinnati enquirer saying we can't afford it and can't afford to leave it intack. so, keith, are we -- i mean, is this the same version repeat the first, whatever that is? you know, same old, same old. he told diane sawyer straight to her eyes this is the law of the land .

>> i guess the tea party people got to him. there's a story that they called election night and neither one came to answer the phone and reportedly they were asleep. i think they actually were asleep because apparently they slept through the fact we had an election and they lost. they still think that they're going to repeal obama care and john boehner , if he seriously thinks it's up for negotiations in this fiscal cliff talks has to be crazy. out of his mind if president obama or democrats have a reason to give up on something that the american people approved. it is just not going to happen. they need to move on.

>> zachary, one thing about the fiscal cliff, because there are certain rumors, whispers, that is, from senator like patty murray who says that they would be willing to see the country go off the fiscal cliff. are there benefits to watching everybody go over?

>> well, look. this like the debt ceiling is a created, dramatic target date. meaning, it is true that all of these things would happen if january 1 comes and for the entirety of 2013 neither congress nor the president agrees on any changes and then the forecasts of the consequences of these --

>> the sun comes up on january 1st . right?

>> it still does and then $4,000, $5,000 hit to middle class families and only true if a year passes with this going on and congress does nothing. i would say if you're dramatically cynical and the state of washington and hard not to be, the likelihood has to be close to zero as humanly possible so what you're talking about is optic of january 1 come and according to senator murray, reset the baseline of the debate? january 1 comes and basically back before the bush tax cuts . and then everything becomes a negotiation of what then becomes added to a tax cut , not removed from a baseline. that may be politically very viable.

>> gentlemen, thank you. martin, thank you.

>> thank you.

>> keith, zachary, happy holidays to all three of you. you're


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