Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How To Boost Your Law Of Attraction Skills With Neuro Linguistic ...

Any time you are trying to attract something, you've got to put out the same energy you are trying to attract. That's why it's called the law of attraction. My favorite example is two pianos in a room. You bang on one middle "C" and the other middle "C" on the other piano starts to vibrate.

So why isn't it so easy with humans? Because we have tons of beliefs, ideas, thoughts and emotions running through our minds. We're not just putting out one idea at a time. We're putting out tons of them. That's why it's nearly impossible to attract something only on a conscious level. You've got to be radiating those thoughts at an unconscious level as well.

One of the ways to do that is by removing some of your limiting beliefs. That way, you would be much more successful. Removing limiting beliefs isn't easy. You've got to know what they are first. Since many of our limiting beliefs are subconscious, it can be tough to get rid of them.

One way to do this is with sentence completion exercises. Simply state your goal. Say to yourself, "I can't achieve my goal because..." and see what pops into your head. Keep doing this until you get one that "feels" really true. It's good to get a couple that feel true.

Now you've got to work on your limiting beliefs. Simply switch them around into a positive affirmation. For make them sound positive and upbeat. The more you say them, the more they'll work against your limiting belief because it will be diametrically opposed to it, like two separate magnets repelling each other.

Another way to do this is with an NLP belief busting pattern. This where you mess around with the sub modalities of your belief system. Change them until they are completely congruent with a belief that is false. And take your positive belief, and change it around until the sub modalities are congruent with something that is absolutely true.

Keep in mind this is a process. It's not a quick fix that will get you your goal overnight. These beliefs are deeply hidden in your subconscious, and they will take some time to dig them out and reverse them. But as soon as you do this, you'll start to find your life improving in many ways.

Try this with a small belief at first. Once you are convinced that this works, try it with a larger and larger belief. You'll be amazed how much your life improves over time.

To easily boost your law of attraction, come on over to our Neuro Linguistic Programming site today.


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