Thursday, November 15, 2012

Professor finds hope in young Catholics at elite colleges : News ...

CWN - November 14, 2012

Robert Oscar Lopez, a professor at California State University at Northridge, describes a recent Love and Fidelity Network conference at Princeton University as ?a dose of good news in otherwise depressing times.?

?The Love and Fidelity Network is an intercollegiate organization dedicated to promoting sexual integrity and strengthening the institution of marriage,? Lopez explains. He adds:

What struck me was the students' earnestness and faith. I almost regret that other conservatives could not have been there to absorb their energy, for there was no clue in the voices of these student organizers that "the culture is lost," "our decline is irreversible," or "the end of marriage is inevitable" -- in other words, all the powerless and pessimistic mantras that right-wingers throw out just before they decide to call themselves "moderate" and shut up for the rest of their careers in public life. These students are fighters ?

As a Protestant, I was impressed by the Catholic predominance but embarrassed, too. There was a time when Protestants were vocal leaders in socially conservative causes. Now Catholics seem willing to fight where many evangelicals have liberalized or gone into hiding.

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