Friday, November 30, 2012

Romney convinced by polls he would win election

It may take election experts years to unravel the mystery of why Mitt Romney was convinced he had won the 2012 presidential election, as a new report shows some skewed internal poll numbers, and explains Romney?s two trips to Pennsylvania.

romney wins

Image of Romney's "transition" website.

But at the same time, the article from The New Republic?s Noam Scheiber shows inconsistencies with reports from November 5 and November 6 about the numbers that might have convinced Romney and his team that he had a good chance of beating President Barack Obama in Ohio.

Obama?s resounding win is starting to take on more of a resemblance to Harry Truman?s ?upset? in 1948, with Romney playing the role of Thomas Dewey.

Obama wound up with 332 electoral votes, taking every swing state except North Carolina. Somehow, the Romney campaign was seemingly convinced that he would win one of the final three swing states, or make a strong showing in Pennsylvania.

In the article, Scheiber goes over Romney?s internal polling numbers from six swing states with Neil Newhouse, the Republican pollster who did the surveys on the weekend before the election. Scheiber obtained the numbers from a source and Newhouse agreed to talk about the six states.

The conclusion is that Romney, based on his internal polls, thought he had at least 267 out of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election, and the election would be decided in four states: Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada

The campaign was also convinced it had momentum in the overall election as voters headed to the polls.

The Romney campaign also believed Pennsylvania was a closer race that Wisconsin, which is why Romney appeared twice in the Keystone State just before the election.

There?s little discussion in The New Republic story about Nevada, so you can scratch Wisconsin and Nevada from the swing state list, which leaves Ohio and Pennsylvania as the states where the Romney campaign thought it could win the presidential election.

The New Republic provides Romney?s internal polling numbers for Pennsylvania, which showed Obama with a three-point lead.

So it seems like Ohio was the focal point of the campaign. The New Republic didn?t obtain detailed Ohio internal polling numbers, but it reported that Newhouse said that Romney trailed in their internal polling by just two points in Ohio on the weekend before the election.

There was a widely circulated report about the Ohio internal polling from the Daily Mail on November 5, Election Eve, that said Newhouse had Romney up by one point in Ohio and the Romney team thought the races in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were even.

The Romney team denied the Daily Mail report on November 6, which was Election Day.

But the Daily Mail report also had the Romney team forecasting a three-point lead in New Hampshire, which matches the number supplied to The New Republic.

The difference could be explained by the fact that the New Republic numbers are an average of the Saturday and Sunday polling numbers, and the Daily Mail numbers could be from just Sunday, which could have Romney gaining several points in each swing state.

Moving forward to Election Night, CNN reporter Peter Hamby dropped a bombshell in the early evening, revealing that Romney?s internal polling showed Obama with a five-point lead in Ohio on Sunday.

Then blogger Taegan Goddard published internal GOP exit polls that showed Romney trailing Obama by four points in Ohio and that Romney only had exit poll leads in two swing states.

In the end, Obama won Ohio by 1.9 percent, and we have three different Romney internal polling numbers for Ohio. The Daily Mail report had Romney up by one point; the New Republic report had Obama up by two points; and the CNN report had Obama up by five points.

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The six internal polls published by The New Republic show a difference of between 3 and 7 percent from the actual election results, and all the polls overestimated Romney?s performance.

There seems to be less of a difference of opinion about why the polls underestimate the eventual outcome.

An analysis published by Slate on November 9 is similar to the analysis from The New Republic: the Romney team over-counted Republicans in their polling and underestimated Obama voter turnout.

?When anyone raised the idea that public polls were showing a close race, the campaign?s pollster said the poll modeling was flawed and everyone moved on. Internally, the campaign?s own polling?tweaked to represent their view of the electorate, with fewer Democrats?showed a steady uptick for Romney since the first debate. Even on the morning of the election, Romney?s senior advisers weren?t close to hedging. They said he was going to win ?decisively,?? said Slate?s John Dickerson.

There also seems to be little doubt that Romney thought, like Thomas Dewey, that he would win the election.

He didn?t have a concession speech prepared, and Romney paid for an eight-minute fireworks display over Boston?s harbor.

The permit for the fireworks expired at 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 7.

The Romney team also accidentally published a victory ?transition? website.

Scott Bomboy is the editor-in-chief of Constitution Daily.

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U.N. upgrades Palestine to 'state,' U.S. objects

UNITED NATIONS (AP) ? The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to recognize a Palestinian state, a victory decades in the making for the Palestinians after years of occupation and war. It was a sharp rebuke for Israel and the United States.

A Palestinian flag was quickly unfurled on the floor of the General Assembly, behind the Palestinian delegation, as the final vote was cast.

In an extraordinary lineup of international support, more than two-thirds of the world body's 193 member states approved the resolution upgrading the Palestinians to a nonmember observer state. It passed 138-9, with 41 abstentions.

The historic vote came 65 years to the day after the U.N. General Assembly voted in 1947 to divide Palestine into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. Israel became a state but the Palestinians rejected the partition plan, and decades of tension and violence have followed.

Real independence, however, remains an elusive dream until the Palestinians negotiate a peace deal with the Israelis, who warned that the General Assembly action will only delay a lasting solution. Israel still controls the West Bank, east Jerusalem and access to Gaza, and it accused the Palestinians of bypassing negotiations with the campaign to upgrade their U.N. status.

In the West Bank city of Ramallah, jubilant Palestinians crowded into the main square, waving Palestinian flags and chanting "God is great!" Hundreds had watched the vote on outdoor screens and televisions, and they hugged, honked their horns and set off fireworks as the final vote was cast.

The tally came after a speech by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in which he called the moment a "last chance" to save the two-state solution.

"The General Assembly is being asked today to issue the birth certificate of Palestine," the Palestinian leader declared.

The United States and Israel immediately criticized the vote.

"Today's unfortunate and counterproductive resolution places further obstacles in the path of peace," U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice said. "Today's grand pronouncements will soon fade and the Palestinian people will wake up tomorrow and find that little about their lives has changed save that the prospects of a durable peace have only receded."

Calling the vote "meaningless," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Abbas of spreading "mendacious propaganda" against Israel in a speech he rejected as "defamatory and venomous."

"The resolution in the U.N. today won't change anything on the ground," Netanyahu said. "It won't advance the establishment of a Palestinian state, but rather, put it further off."

With most U.N. members sympathetic to the Palestinians, there had been no doubt the resolution would be approved. A state of Palestine has already been recognized by 132 countries, and the Palestinians have 80 embassies and 40 representative offices around the world, according to the Palestinian Foreign Ministry.

Still, the Palestinians lobbied hard for Western support, winning over key European countries including France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Ireland, as well as Japan and New Zealand. Germany and Britain were among the many Western nations that abstained.

Joining the United States and Israel in voting "no" were Canada, the Czech Republic, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Panama.

Despite Thursday's triumph, the Palestinians face enormous limitations. They don't control their borders, airspace or trade, they have separate and competing governments in Gaza and the West Bank and they have no unified army or police.

The vote grants Abbas an overwhelming international endorsement for his key position: establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, the territories captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. With Netanyahu opposed to a pullback to the 1967 lines, this should strengthen Abbas' hand if peace talks resume.

The U.N. action also could help Abbas restore some of his standing, which has been eroded by years of standstill in peace efforts. His rival, the Hamas militant group, deeply entrenched in Gaza, has seen its popularity rise after it responded with a barrage of rocket fire to an Israeli offensive earlier this month on targets linked to the militants.

In a departure from its previous opposition, Hamas, which rules Gaza and refuses to recognize Israel, said it wouldn't interfere with the U.N. bid for statehood, and its supporters joined some of the celebrations Thursday.

With its newly enhanced status, the Palestinians can now gain access to U.N. agencies and international bodies, most significantly the International Criminal Court, which could become a springboard for going after Israel for alleged war crimes or its ongoing settlement building on war-won land.

However, in the run-up to the U.N. vote, Abbas signaled that he wants recognition to give him leverage in future talks with Israel, and not as a tool for confronting or delegitimizing Israel, as Israeli leaders have claimed.

Speaking stridently at times Thursday, Abbas accused the Israelis of "colonial occupation" that institutionalizes racism and charged that the Jewish state is continuing to perpetuate "war crimes."

Still, he said the Palestinians did not come to terminate "what remains of the negotiations process" but to try "to breathe new life into the negotiations" and achieve an independent state.

"We will act responsibly and positively in our next steps," he said.

The Palestinians turned to the General Assembly after the United States announced it would veto their bid last fall for full U.N. membership until there is a peace deal with Israel. Abbas made clear that this remains the Palestinians' ultimate goal ? hopefully soon.

The vote grants the Palestinians the same status at the U.N. as the Vatican, and they will keep their seat next to the Holy See in the assembly chamber.


Associated Press writers Michael Astor and Peter Spielmann at the United Nations, Haitham Hamad and Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, Robert Burns and Bradley Klapper in Washington and Tia Goldenberg in Jerusalem contributed to this report.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Obama meets with CEOs, middle income earners on ?fiscal cliff?

In this July 6, 2011, file photo, President Barack Obama sits in front of a screen displaying a question he tweeted??Looking for leverage in "fiscal cliff" talks with Republicans, President Barack Obama on Wednesday was to host middle-class Americans whose taxes risk going up January 1 then retreat behind closed doors for talks with top corporate executives. The White House also worked to enlist support on Twitter, highlighting a hashtag, #My2K, for tweets about the standoff.

Obama planned to deliver a speech at 11:35 a.m. to press Congress to extend Bush-era tax cuts on income up to $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for families ? surrounded by Americans who stand to be affected when those reductions expire January 1.

The White House says that "a typical middle class family of four" would pay Uncle Sam an additional $2,200 unless those tax cuts are extended. Obama campaigned for reelection in large part on the argument that tax cuts that chiefly benefit the richest Americans? must expire in order to save popular government programs that face the axe. Republicans argue that will reduce investments that generate jobs at a time when the economy is still sputtering, with unemployment stubbornly high. The GOP has signaled it would be willing to consider boosting tax revenues as long as Democrats agree to overhaul popular entitlement programs like Medicare or Medicaid.

That $2,200 figure is the inspiration for #My2K, part of what the White House describes as an "online push" behind the president's approach. Obama has highlighted Twitter hashtags in past disputes with Republicans: #40dollars in the fight over the payroll tax holiday and #dontdoublemyrate in a feud over student loans.

The president, who spoke to top Republican and Democratic leaders over the weekend, was to make brief public remarks at the top of a meeting with his cabinet at 3 pm before huddling with senior executives from major American corporations.

Here is the list of attendees, as provided by the White House:

  • Frank Blake, Chairman and CEO, The Home Depot
  • Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group
  • Joe Echeverria, CEO, Deloitte LLP
  • Ken Frazier, President and CEO, Merck and Co.
  • Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO, Coca Cola
  • Terry Lundgren, Chairman, President, and CEO, Macy's Inc.
  • Marissa Mayer, CEO and President, Yahoo!
  • Douglas Oberhelman, Chairman and CEO, Caterpillar
  • Ian Read, Chairman and CEO, Pfizer
  • Brian Roberts, Chairman and CEO, Comcast
  • Ed Rust, Chairman and CEO, State Farm Insurance Co.
  • Arne Sorenson, President and CEO, Marriott
  • Randall Stephenson, Chairman and CEO, AT&T
  • Patricia Woertz, President and CEO, Archer Daniels Midland

The "fiscal cliff" refers to an economically painful set of tax hikes and deep spending cuts that come into effect January 1 unless Congress and the president reach a deal.


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Nets take 1st Brooklyn matchup with Knicks in OT

NEW YORK (AP) ? The Nets won the crowd ? and the game.

Things sure looked and sounded different for them in their first matchup against the New York Knicks in Brooklyn.

The Nets pulled out a 96-89 overtime victory on Monday night, tying the Knicks for first place on a breakthrough night for their franchise.

With their fans outnumbering and at times outchanting the Knicks' counterparts for a change, the Nets improved to 7-1 in their new home, sending this new-look rivalry off to a stirring start before a sellout crowd of 17,732.

"Every time some sort of Knicks contingency started to cheer, our fans got louder," Nets coach Avery Johnson said.

Jerry Stackhouse, wearing the No. 42 Jackie Robinson made famous in Brooklyn, hit the tiebreaking 3-pointer with 3:31 left in overtime as the Nets controlled the extra period of a playoff-like game that neither team led by more than seven.

Brook Lopez had 22 points and 11 rebounds, and Deron Williams added 16 points and 14 assists as the Nets tied the Knicks atop the Atlantic Division at 9-4.

Carmelo Anthony had 35 points and 13 rebounds, but was only 10 of 16 at the free throw line. Tyson Chandler finished with 28 points and 10 boards, but no other Knicks player was in double figures.

Raymond Felton was just 3 of 19 from the field, but the Knicks had to stick with him with fellow point guard and former Nets star Jason Kidd out with back spasms.

The first matchup of Brooklyn and New York pro franchises since the Dodgers played the New York Giants on Sept. 8 1957, at the Polo Grounds was loud, energetic, and close throughout. Both teams played as if this meant more than the usual regular-season game.

The game was originally scheduled as the Nov. 1 season opener for both teams but was postponed after Superstorm Sandy, when much of the mass transit around the city was knocked out. Barclays Center sits above a major transportation hub, and without subways running many fans wouldn't have been able to get here.

The Knicks have always been the clear No. 1 franchise in the area, even when the Nets had Kidd and were better, and the Nets have long believed the move to Brooklyn and the $1 billion Barclays Center would help them even things. Nationally televised and with more than 100 media members, this was easily their most anticipated game in years, Johnson denied that it meant more to the Nets than the Knicks.

"I think it's just as important for them, because if we're so much the new kid on the block and we're trying to come in and gain some territorial rights, I think they're going to try to do everything they can to push back, so I think it's great," Johnson said before the game. "I don't think it's so much of a Duke-North Carolina rivalry yet, but hopefully one day it'll get there."

Johnson estimated that games in New Jersey since he'd been with the Nets were an 80-20 fan split for the Knicks, and he hoped that would turn around Monday. It didn't flip completely, but it seemed the home team's fans made up about 60-65 percent of the crowd, the orange and blue that was long so ubiquitous harder to spot this time.

But Johnson made it clear the Nets needed to win the game, not just the crowd, for this to be a successful night, and his team was in great position up five with 4 minutes to play in regulation. The Knicks ran off eight straight to take an 84-81 lead with 1:40 left, but they wouldn't score again. Lopez tied it with a free throw with 24 seconds remaining, and after Anthony missed a jumper, Williams was off on a long attempt before the buzzer.

Chandler dunked to open overtime, but the Nets answered with eight straight points, taking the lead for good at 89-86 on Stackhouse's 3-pointer with 3:31 remaining before three straight points from Gerald Wallace, who finished with 16.

Both sides downplayed the idea of a rivalry ? yet ? leading into the game, but change was noticeable right from the start.

The Knicks were loudly booed during the announcement of starting lineups, with Anthony, a Brooklyn native whom the Nets tried to acquire before the Knicks did, receiving the type of loud, mixed response that usually goes to LeBron James.

There were dueling chants on one early possession, Knicks fans hollering "Defense! Defense!" while Nets supporters tried to drown them out with "Brook-lyn! Brook-lyn!"

The only time crowd support seemed unanimous was when local sports stars or celebrities, such as Jay-Z and Beyonce sitting near the Nets bench, were shown on the overhead scoreboard.

Notes: The Nets have won six straight at home for the first time since December 2003. They started 18-1 at home in 2002-03. ... The teams meet three times in the next 3? weeks. The Knicks return to Brooklyn on Dec. 11 and host the Nets on Dec. 19. ... With Kidd out, the Knicks started Kurt Thomas ? and actually got older. Kidd will turn 40 in March. Thomas, the league's oldest player, turned 40 in October. ... Anthony (10.9 ppg) and Lopez (7.9) entered as the NBA's top two first-quarter scorers. Anthony had only four points, while Lopez scored eight.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Independent publisher survives against odds - The Columbia ...

In an industry rife with change, some publishers have struggled to maintain profits in the digital age. Random House and Penguin, two of the world?s biggest publishers, announced Oct. 29 that they are merging to stay afloat. But small presses are less vulnerable to these pressures because they cater to artists, not stockholders.

Elephant Rocks Books, an independent publishing house founded by Jotham Burrello, an adjunct faculty member in the Fiction Writing Department, recently released a book that takes the stories of the 2nd Story literary performance group from stage to page. Courtesy JOTHAM BURRELLO.

Jotham Burrello, an adjunct faculty member in the Fiction Writing Department, founded Elephant Rocks Books, a branch of the multimedia production company Elephant Rocks Productions, in fall 2010 after author Patricia Ann McNair, interim chair and an associate professor in the Fiction Writing Department, came to him with a collection of stories she wanted him to publish about a fictional small town. She had struggled with traditional publishing companies and decided the hands-on approach of an independent publisher would better suit her book. Burrello published her book, ?The Temple of Air,? which was a finalist for the Society of Midland Authors Award for adult fiction.

?We?re just like Random House, without the Pulitzer Prize winners,? Burrello said. ?We do the same kind of stuff?we promote and publish good literature.?

On Nov. 12, Burrello released ?Briefly Knocked Unconscious by a Low-Flying Duck: Stories from 2nd Story,? an anthology of short stories and personal essays written by Chicago?s 2nd Story, a performance-based storytelling group.

Megan Stielstra, an adjunct faculty member in the Fiction Writing Department and literary director of 2nd Story, said the organization had an archive of more than 200 essays and wanted to find a way to distribute them to the public.

Stielstra said Burrello played a large role in compiling the anthology. After much editing and rewriting, the book now has 23 essays, ranging from the humorous, like the story for which the book is titled, to the emotional, such as Stielstra?s experience dealing with a suicidal student.

?Some of our storytellers had never had any training, and they had these really amazing stories,? she said. ?Part of the mission of our organization is to help support them in sharing [their stories].?

Burrello said one of the advantages of being a smaller publishing company is being able to work closely with authors. Because he?s seen the storytellers perform, he knew what needed to be fixed on the page, such as endings he felt were rushed.

Stielstra said 2nd Story decided to use Elephant Rocks Books as its publisher because the group knew and trusted Burrello, and their personal relationship played a large role in the publishing process.

?[Burrello] really believed that our stories could live on the page with the same strength that they live in performance,? she said. ?You always need someone like that in your corner, someone that really believes in what you?re doing.?

Despite the advantage of close relationships, Cynthia Sherry, publisher at Chicago Review Press, a local independent publisher founded in 1973, said smaller publishers face challenges, such as keeping pace with technology and raising capital.

?Generally speaking, independent publishers can?t afford to buy expensive ads in magazines and newspapers,? Sherry said. ?They rely on good book reviews.?

Burrello said Elephant Rocks Books has run into financial problems and therefore is unable to give advances to writers. He can?t afford to hire anyone other than part-time staff and interns, so he does much of the work himself. The company also can?t afford to put out as many books as Burrello would like.

?Right now, we?re doing maybe [one] book a season,? he said. ?We just don?t have the investment capital to put out a number of books.?

Even so, Stielstra said another reason 2nd Story went with Burrello was because of his success as an independent publisher. Burrello said he?s able to take more chances than larger publishers, which sometimes pays off. He said he has already asked his distributor for 500 more copies of the book.

Sherry said many of her company?s biggest successes have come from ?quirky and odd? books that large publishers wouldn?t give a second thought to, such as ?Outwitting Squirrels,? a list of 101 ways to keep squirrels out of bird feeders, which has sold more than 1 million copies.

Burrello said he feels personal satisfaction in publishing independently, and the Nov. 12 release party for ?Briefly Knocked Unconscious? was a highlight for him.

?When you?re editing, you?re editing,? he said. ?When you?re selling, you?re selling. To pause and celebrate is kind of the best part of the whole deal.?


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White House: Tax hike threat could hurt retailers

FILE - In this Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012, file photo, shoppers wait on a check-out line in the Times Square Toys-R-Us store after doors were opened to the public at 8 p.m., in New York. U.S. shoppers hit stores and websites at record numbers over the four-day Thanksgiving weekend, according to a survey released by the National Retail Federation on Sunday. They were attracted by retailers' efforts to make shopping easier, including opening stores on Thanksgiving evening, updating mobile shopping applications for smartphones and tablets, and expanding shipping and layaway options. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

FILE - In this Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012, file photo, shoppers wait on a check-out line in the Times Square Toys-R-Us store after doors were opened to the public at 8 p.m., in New York. U.S. shoppers hit stores and websites at record numbers over the four-day Thanksgiving weekend, according to a survey released by the National Retail Federation on Sunday. They were attracted by retailers' efforts to make shopping easier, including opening stores on Thanksgiving evening, updating mobile shopping applications for smartphones and tablets, and expanding shipping and layaway options. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

(AP) ? Despite early signs of robust sales, White House economists warned Monday that the uncertainty of a potential hike in taxes next year for middle class taxpayers under the looming fiscal cliff could hurt consumer confidence during the crucial holiday shopping season.

In a new report that coincides with Congress' return after the Thanksgiving holiday, the White House says that if lawmakers don't halt the automatic increase in taxes for households earning less than $250,000, consumers might even curtail their shopping during the current holiday season.

"As we approach the holiday season, which accounts for close to one-fifth of industry sales, retailers can't afford the threat of tax increases on middle-class families," the report by President Barack Obama's National Economic Council and his Council of Economic Advisers says.

The report comes as official Washington dives back into negotiations on how to avoid tax hikes and deep spending cuts scheduled to begin taking effect Jan. 1.

White House and congressional leadership aides said Obama spoke separately with House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid over the weekend. The aides would not reveal details of the conversations. Obama last met with the bipartisan congressional leadership to discuss the fiscal cliff on Nov. 16. No new meetings have been announced.

Meanwhile, the stock market edged lower in the morning as the outcome of the budget talks remained inconclusive.

Retailers such as Macy's, Target and Saks were down in early trading, amid fears that consumers might cut back this season. But the National Retail Federation reported earlier that 247 million shoppers visited stores and shopping websites during the long Thanksgiving weekend, up 9 percent from a year ago. They spent an average of $423, up 6 percent.

The White House report also says a sudden increase in taxes for middle-income taxpayers would reduce consumer spending in 2013 by nearly $200 billion, significantly slowing the economic recovery.

The figures echo estimates by private forecasters and by the Congressional Budget Office.

Congress and Obama have until the end of the year to avoid across the board tax increases that would do away with rates set during the administration of President George W. Bush and restore higher tax rates in place during President Bill Clinton's administration when the economy was robust and the federal government had a budget surplus.

Many middle income taxpayers also would be exposed to automatic tax increases under the Alternative Minimum Tax, which is designed to guarantee a certain level of tax payment by wealthier taxpayers.

According to the report, a married couple earning between $50,000 and $85,000 with two children would see a $2,200 increase in their taxes.

Obama wants the Bush-era tax rates to remain at their current level for households earning less than $250,000. He is calling on Congress to increase taxes for families earning more than that threshold.

Obama's plan is part of an overall deficit reduction package that would increase tax revenue by about $1.5 trillion and reduce spending by a similar amount over 10 years.

Congressional Republicans, led by Boehner, have said they are open to including discussions about additional revenue but have balked at any plan that raises tax rates on the wealthy. They argue that the higher rates would also hit some small businesses, stifling economic growth.

Instead, they have advocated changes in the tax code that would eliminate tax breaks and loopholes that primarily benefit the wealthy. Several key Republican lawmakers have also said they would not be bound by a no-tax-increase pledge that they have adhered to in the past.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Monday the urgency of finding solutions intensifies as the end of the year approaches.

"If we don't do anything, on Jan. 1, 2013, there's a lot more people paying a lot more," the Virginia Republican said on MSNBC.

Cantor said the rapidly approaching deadline accounts for the more serious tone to the debate, but also reaffirmed the GOP's opposition to raising tax rates for the wealthy. "We've got to have the president step up and say, here's my position on how we reform these entitlements and start managing down the deficits," he said.

"What should be on the table is a recipe to fix the problem and not give away growth," Cantor said, when asked whether Republicans would agree to have increases in tax rates considered.

"We were re-elected to fix the problems, get the economy going again," he said. "Well, the president got re-elected and we know at the end of the year taxes are going to go up on everybody, rich and poor alike," if no action is taken to avert the hikes.

Associated Press


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Israeli PM Netanyahu suddenly seems vulnerable

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who appeared to be cruising to re-election a few weeks ago, suddenly appears vulnerable as the country prepares to go to the polls in January.

The political comeback of a popular former foreign minister on Tuesday, coupled with the ruling Likud Party's selection of an especially hard-line slate of candidates, has suddenly raised questions about Netanyahu's prospects. Eager to portray Netanyahu as an extremist, opposition parties see an opportunity to mount a formidable challenge to the Israeli leader.

Ousting Netanyahu remains a formidable task, but the return of Tzipi Livni, who served as Israel's foreign minister and chief peace negotiator from 2006 to 2009, injected a high-profile name into what had been a lackluster race. Well respected internationally, Livni immediately took aim at what she called a "leadership vacuum" and promised an aggressive push for peace with the Palestinians.

"I came to fight for peace," she said. "And I won't allow anyone to turn peace into a bad word."

During Netanyahu's nearly four years in office, peace efforts with the Palestinians have remained frozen.

The Palestinians refuse to resume talks unless Israel stops building settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, occupied areas that the Palestinians claim for an independent state.

Netanyahu blames the Palestinians for the deadlock. The prime minister imposed a partial freeze on settlement construction early in his term, leading to a brief attempt to resume negotiations. But Netanyahu refused to extend the construction slowdown, and the talks quickly collapsed. He says talks should resume without any preconditions.

The deadlock has pushed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to head to the United Nations this week to upgrade the Palestinian observer mission to "nonmember state" status. The General Assembly is expected to pass the request.

The Palestinians believe the international endorsement, while largely symbolic, will bolster their position if negotiations resume. Israel, backed by the United States, opposes the bid and has been furiously lobbying allies to oppose it, saying all differences must be resolved through negotiations. In a setback for Netanyahu, France announced Tuesday that it would vote in favor of the Palestinians.

At a time when there are no talks with the Western-backed government of Abbas, Israel this week opened an indirect dialogue with Abbas' rival, the Islamic militant Hamas movement, as part of a cease-fire that ended an Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip last week. Israel considers Hamas, which seized control of Gaza five years ago, a terrorist group.

"Everything is upside down: a government that negotiates with terrorists and freezes all dialogue with those who work to prevent attacks," Livni said.

Livni told the audience that the fighting in Gaza, in which her youngest son was mobilized to Israel's southern front, had factored into her decision to return to politics.

"A week ago when my youngest son, today an officer in the Paratroopers, went down south, I sent him a text message that I had decided to fight on my turf, politics, so that he maybe won't have to fight on his turf, the battlefield," she said.

Throughout his term, Netanyahu relied on a handful of moderate figures in his Cabinet to blunt international opposition. Following a pair of events this week, Netanyahu appears to have lost this political cover.

On Monday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak resigned from politics. Barak, a former prime minister, had often served as Netanyahu's unofficial envoy to Washington to ease tensions with the White House.

Then Monday night, Netanyahu's Likud Party announced its slate of candidates for the Jan. 22 election.

The list was dominated by hard-line supporters of West Bank settlements. Some candidates have alienated mainstream Israelis with failed attempts in parliament to stifle dissent and rein in a Supreme Court that they believe is too independent. In addition, several prominent moderates were effectively ousted. Netanyahu's decision to join forces with the ultranationalist party headed by his foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has added to concerns that his next coalition will be too hard line for many.

Menachem Hofnung, a Hebrew University political scientist, said the Likud could have a hard time appealing to centrist voters with its new list. "After seeing the Likud's results, the race is (wide) open," he said.

Livni, 54, joins a field that includes the centrist Labor Party, led by former journalist Shelly Yachimovich, and the centrist "Yesh Atid," led by former anchorman Yair Lapid.

While largely similar in ideology, these rival parties have focused largely on domestic economic issues. Livni made clear her new party, called "The Movement," would focus on resuming peace efforts.

"I decided to give an answer to people who don't have anyone to vote for," Livni said. "This party will return this hope that was lost."

It won't be an easy task. Recent polls have predicted Likud would be the largest party in the 120-seat parliament and in a strong position to cobble together a majority coalition. The centrist parties remain divided, and their leaders have been reluctant to join forces.

A survey published Tuesday predicted that Livni's new party would garner just nine seats, Labor would win 20 and Lapid's Yesh Atid would get only five. That would leave the centrist bloc far short of the 61 seats needed to form a coalition.

In contrast, Netanyahu's Likud would win 37 seats, making it by far the largest single party in parliament, with hard-line nationalist and religious parties giving it a majority.

The poll by the Maagar Mochot agency surveyed 504 people on Sunday and Monday and had a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points. However, the poll was conducted before Livni's comeback and Likud primary results were announced, so the numbers are expected to change.

Livni herself is the daughter of one of Likud's founding fathers and entered politics in 1999 as a Likud lawmaker.

But like many other former hard-liners, she has moved over to Israel's dovish left to confront what many believe to be a demographic time bomb. If Israel continues to control millions of Palestinians, they say, it will cease to exist as a democracy with a Jewish majority. The solution, they say, is establishing an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.

As foreign minister, Livni forged a strong relationship with her American counterpart, Condoleezza Rice, as well as the Palestinians. The sides claimed to have made great progress.

Although her legacy was tarnished by criticism over an Israeli military offensive in Gaza in 2009 that left hundreds of civilians dead, she nonetheless remains popular internationally. She has been identified by Time, Newsweek and Forbes magazines as one of the world's most influential women.

But she has stumbled as a politician. Livni led centrist Kadima Party in 2009 elections after then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was forced to resign because of a corruption scandal.

While Kadima won the most parliamentary seats in that election, Livni was unable to form a coalition and confined to the opposition. Early this year, she was ousted as party leader and left politics. Kadima has steadily lost support since then, and recent polls have forecast Kadima may not win even a single seat in parliament.


Associated Press writers Tia Goldenberg and Daniel Estrin contributed to this report.


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Cisco Linksys Smart Wi-Fi AC 1750HD Video Pro EA6500

Cisco's entry router into the pre-draft 802.11ac space is the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router AC 1750HD Video Pro EA6500. The EA6500 is the fastest performing router I've tested to date at the 5GHz band, besting even Buffalo's speedy pre-draft 802.11ac router, the AirStation AC1300/N900 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router WZR-D1800H. The EA65000, however, does not sustain range as well as Buffalo's router nor does the EA6500 match the Buffalo's?2.4 GHz throughput. Still, the EA6500 features an improved Cisco Connect Cloud interface and wonderful management tools that makes it an Editors' Choice award winner.

The EA6500 has a similar look to Cisco's other top-tier consumer router, the EA4500, except it's wider at 10 x 1.1 x 7.5 (WHD) inches versus the EA4500 v2's (7 x 1.1 x7.4) (WHD) inches. The EA6500 features the same attractive black case with metallic decorative overlay as the EA4500 v2. The EA6500's Cisco logo has a soft white glow and also serves as an LED for the router's status (for example, the logo blinks when a WPS connection is initiated).

This is a dual-band router that supports to a theoretical 450 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 1300 Mbps at 5 GHz. Inside are six antennas with 3x3 transmit/receive rates for both bands. To get the maximum performance from the EA6500 a client machine with a 3x3 wireless adapter is required.

The rear panel accommodates four Gigabit LAN ports, a WAN port, a WPS button, a recessed reset button, and two USB 2.0 ports.

The router ships with a CD containing setup software and other resources including the user guide. Setup is simple; just insert the CD which will auto-run and click on the link to "Setup your Linksys Router." Those with networking know-how can also setup the router manually by connecting it to a broadband connection and PC and then going straight into the local interface.

A graphical tutorial demonstrates how to correctly connect cables. The setup wizard also automatically creates the SSID, router password, and wireless password (all of which you can change). By default, the automatic setup gives you WPA2 security and a strong password.

One small issue I had with setup?by default, the router uses the same SSID for both the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. I like to manually control which devices connect to which band, so I added a "5" to the 5 GHz network name to distinguish it from the 2.4 GHz network.

The entire setup process lasted exactly two minutes from connecting the router to my DSL modem to having a laptop wireless connected to the SSID. Few consumer routers this powerful make setup so easy.

Local Versus Cloud Management
Cisco has taken pains to clean up the mess that was the Cisco Connect Cloud software which previously forced users to upgrade to the Smart Wi-Fi cloud firmware, and in some cases, rendered some users' routers unmanageable. Many users had to rollback the firmware update.

The EA6500 gives users the best of both worlds: the ability to manage the router locally by pointing a browser to the IP address of the router, or by using the Cisco Connect Cloud interface. Both interfaces look identical which is important for maintain management consistency.

There is one small, albeit important, difference, though. If you point a browser to the router's IP address, you get to the local interface. The local management screen features a light blue bar at the top of the home page of the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi dashboard. When you access the router's cloud management page, the same bar is colored dark blue. These color differences are important in letting a user know if the router is being managed locally or remotely.

How do you get to the cloud management? After setup, a shortcut is placed on the desktop of the machine used to setup the router. This shortcut goes to where you create an account and register the router.

?The interfaces are visually identical, except you have access to a few Smart Wi-Fi apps Cisco offers to extent the router's capabilities.? Some apps include Gemini IP Camera Viewer for remotely monitoring IP cameras and Device Monitr which allows seeing who is online on your home network and for how long.

The Smart Wi-Fi cloud platform also allows managing multiple Linksys Smart Wi-Fi routers. So if I have an EA6500 at home and I setup my Dad with an EA4500, I can connect to his router and perform any updating and troubleshooting.

Admittedly, if I hadn't read in my review notes supplied by Cisco that the way to tell if you are accessing the local interface from the cloud is by the color of the top bar on the dashboard page, I may not have noticed. Cisco should make the difference clearer even just by adding something like "Cloud Interface" to the dashboard screen when you are managing the router via the Internet. Still, I like the consistency of both interfaces' design and did not notice any latency applying any settings' changes whether I was managing locally or through the cloud.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

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Video: Shopping smart this holiday season

>>> this morning in today's consumer, how to avoid overspending. the holiday shopping season is in full swing and your favorite stores have a few tricks up their sleeve to get you to shell out some big bucks . carmen is here to reveal what they are. good morning to you.

>> good morning, carl.

>> why should people be more worried about having the retailers sort of figure out this whole game of how to get us to spend more?

>> they are fighting for your money, right? because we're the most savviest consumers ever. we've got shopping apps on our phone, promo codes, shopping sites. we know how to shop and we're much more likely to have a budget. since the recession, we cut down on credit card debt , and we'll spend a little bit more, but we want to stick to our budget.

>> you've laid out a few of the strategies that they use. the first one is called the decoy effect .

>> here we go. here's the decoy. let's say you have two choices of the same item. different in quality, but it's $50 for that coffee maker versus $100. if only those two choices existed and you're on a budget, you'll choose the $50 coffee maker . the decoy is brought in in the middle to get you to spend more, because once that decoy is there, you're more like tlly to buy the one in the middle. the middle range in price and quality, because it goes from just a savings decision the a value and quality decision. oh wow, $70. for an extra $20, i can get closer to that $100. that's what happens in your mind, even if it blows your budget. just be mindful of that.

>> this works because we think we're getting a deal?

>> exactly. our perception has topped. if you have a bottom and a top, that's your only choice. the decoy makes it seem like oh, i got a deal.

>> i like this next one. it's the scarcity effect.

>> okay, what is black friday? why do people line up and all that? because when you have a limited timeframe and a limited amount of items, we go nuts. this is black friday. this is also, though, the flash sales on site. i call this the guilt effect for, which really started these flash sales. it's new. we've got to go in. it's a limited quantity. we've got to buy. this goes back to 1975 , behavioral economists found that women with two sets of cookies -- they called this the cookie effect. simply because one set of cookies, there was a smaller amount. women rated them higher. the cookie effect is the scarcity effect. going back to hunting and gathering .

>> this last one, the reciprocity effect.

>> freebies. women at the makeup counter. you get free. if you spend $50, you get free. now online, too, if you buy from online retailers , they'll send you free samples . here's the thing. 90% of us say if we get a freebie, we'll be very likely to buy from that person again. it's the "you owe me one" effect.

>> the best defense against all of these are what?

>> to know that they exist and to know how they work, and just be very mindful of what's going on. that time pressure, ban yourself from those sites if you have a problem with it, and with the freebie effect, just because someone gives you something doesn't mean you owe them anything.

>> that masters in psychologist is


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Polls offer little guidance for politicians tackling ?fiscal cliff? (Washington Post)

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Mexico arrests suspected murderer on FBI most wanted list

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican federal police have captured suspected murderer, rapist and drug gang member Joe Luis Saenz, one of the 10 most wanted fugitives on the FBI's list, the government said on Friday.

Saenz, a U.S. citizen, was arrested in the city of Guadalajara in western Mexico on Thursday following an investigation carried out by the federal police in conjunction with the FBI, the government said in a statement.

According to the FBI, Saenz is suspected of shooting and killing two rival gang members in Los Angeles in July 1998. For the FBI's most wanted list, see:

Less than two weeks later, Saenz allegedly kidnapped, raped, and murdered his estranged girlfriend. Saenz is also believed to have murdered another man in October 2008 in Los Angeles County.

FBI records suggest Saenz is 36 or 37, and the bureau offered up to $100,000 for information leading to his arrest.

Born in Los Angeles, Saenz was known to travel between the United States and Mexico, and was believed to be working for a Mexican drug cartel, the FBI said. He had a number of aliases including Zapp, Peanut Joe Smiley and Honeycutt, it added.

(Writing by Dave Graham; Editing by Sandra Maler)


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Friday, November 23, 2012

How To Enable 4G LTE On The Google Nexus 4

lte-nexus4Reports surfaced this morning that the Nexus 4, Google's latest flagship Android smartphone, supports LTE via a relatively easy software hack. After testing, it turns out that's definitely true, so I'll show you exactly how to enable it on your device. Fair warning: the Nexus 4 only supports LTE on the AWS band (1700 or 2100MHz), which is currently used for LTE networks in Canada and on T-Mobile.


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Demonstrating Progress: Milestone Cancer Control Meeting for PACT

During an imPACT mission at the National Cancer Institute in Hanoi, Vietnam, an expert meets with national counterparts to thoroughly assess Vietnam's cancer control plans and capabilities. (Photo: PACT)

For the first time, the IAEA's Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) is convening cancer control experts in Vienna from its eight PACT Model Demonstration Sites (PMDS) to assess advances made in each of their countries.

Launched in 2006, the PMDS are located in eight low- and middle-income countries committed to fighting their respective cancer burden in collaboration with IAEA/PACT and partners.

Through the PMDS countries, PACT endeavours to support the effective implementation of a country's radiation medicine programme as an integral component of its comprehensive national cancer control programme.

From 21 to 22 November 2012, cancer control leaders from all eight PMDS countries will share their experiences in developing comprehensive national approaches to address cancer control.

Representatives from PACT's partners, including the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the Union for International Cancer Control will participate in the meeting.

"Through the PMDS initiative, IAEA/PACT and its partners have worked to support the development of cancer control infrastructure, build human resource capacity and mobilize resources for evidence-based cancer control interventions," said Rolando Camacho, Acting Head of the PACT Programme Office. "We expect the meeting to be critical to learn lessons from the PMDS experience and chart a course for the programme's future."

Cancer control professionals from Albania, Ghana, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam and Yemen will participate in the meeting.

-- The PACT Programme Office contributed to this article

(Note to Media: We encourage you to republish these stories and kindly request attribution to the IAEA)


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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Video: Some politicians already eyeing a 2016 bid

>>> all right. so ready or not and believe it or not, 2016 presidential posturing already in full swing, especially for republicans and why not? more than a dozen high-profile gop leaders already signaled interest in running for the white house in four years. and you know there are democrats secretly launching interests, too. as for the republicans the most vocal about moving past the party's mitt romney moment, well, they got an earful from one of romney's former campaign advisers on " morning joe " today. take a listen.

>> watching the republican officials now, trashing mitt romney , everyone's going out trashing --

>> i agree with you.

>> it is stunning. some of them talking to our tradition to position themselves for romney cabinet. five, six, days later, absolutely eviscerating him.

>> all right. you know? in one day, you're out the next. you know? i think heidi clklum says it best on "operation runway." want to bring in our guests. okay, gang. good to have you all here. martin, i start with you because as we heard there there were certain governors and republicans who have come out against mitt romney to fight back against certain comments that he made during that phone call to supporters like bobby jindal , susanna martinez and basically doubling down on the 47% comments behind closed doors and then convince everybody he's for the 100% but now the bloom is off the rose sort to speak. what can the gop do to set the stage for a 2016 comeback? is it exactly what we're seeing right now. standing up and being leaders against things that just don't make sense which are the comments that mitt romney 's made?

>> mitt romney was in disneyland yesterday and i think he's having plenty of fun while the advisers try to still defend him.

>> i lost the presidential election . what will you do? go to disneyland.

>> exactly.

>> people accuse him of being there all alistening.

>> but look. if you look at that list of people we had on politico's home page , 18 republicans . here's the good news. four minorities and no one old enough to take social security . if you're a republican and just wiped out in this election, you're ready to look to 2016 . you don't care about mitt romney anymore. you're like, okay, what do we have? we have a bright future here with women, minorities, with younger people and it's never too early. we're politico -- political junkies here. marco rubio has already been to iowa.

>> there is a deep bempbl of smart talent on the right. several names of front-runners. but take a listen to what jeb bush jr. and senator ran paul are saying about that very issue.

>> your dad going to run for president?

>> i don't know. no comment. i certainly hope so.

>> going to be another paul for president campaign?

>> that's classified. i can't tell you that. you don't have clearance to hear that. you know, i want to be part of the national debate. i think it's a little too soon to talk about what's going to run and not going to run and i don't know what will cam. if i interested in thinking about that? yes.

>> so some other names include governors chris christie and bobby jindal . which republican do you think is in the best position to make a run for 2016 ? is it chris christie ? his favorable rating, now 67%. up 19 points from september. and a lot thanks to sandy and probably the "snl" this weekend.

>> he did a good job on "saturday night live" but corey booker may run against him and beat him. who knows?

>> i think chris christie is well positioned. marco rubio is well positioned candidate. i don't know that that's going to help them. you mentioned or someone mentioned a lot of women and minorities in their list of 2016 candidates but, you know, they had a woman and minority in the candidates and still chose mitt romney . i think they have an issue to get over with in terms of picking the right candidate.

>> with finances, the right was pretty happy with the fact that paul ryan was chosen on the ticket considered to be a budget hawk on the hill. does he have a prospect, a brighter future because of the practice that he got out of going through this election and the lessons learned, possibly utilize that going forward?

>> this conversation reminds me of the stephen colbert skit of a committee to explore the question of whether or not they should create a committee. you know, clearly ryan is i guess somewhat self appointed, new right young thing of the party and listening to john boehner 's comments when asked if he's the leader of the party, there's disagreement in the party and bears remembering every time we have done this in the past election cycles, thought object who the likely candidates were, almost none of them ended up being the likely candidate. mitt romney is an exception and perceived to be a credible front-runner of 2012 and tim pawlenty .

>> experience of '08?

>> yeah. my point is --

>> traction.

>> we project forward based on who's the luminaries now. it often is someone we're not looking at under current dynamics and doing 18 or 19 i guess the likelihood of one of the 20 the people --

>> primaries again. now let's talk about the fiscal cliff and house and senate leaders expected to meet with the president next week and hopefully negotiations will continue. staffers reportedly have made little progress over the last week. politico is writing this saying that the gop 's opening offer, the sources said would freeze the bush era tax rates , change the inflation can clated for entitlement programs , keep the estate tate at 2012 levels and overhaul of the tax code and not provide a revenue target. martin, if this is the starting point, if that's the starting point -- are republicans as serious about compromise as they claim?

>> that offer's like the sticker price at a car dealership.

>> with room.

>> you know you won't pay that and then the big question unanswered now is will republicans budge on rates or revenue? we have to distinguish. republicans are open to increasing tax revenue by a cap in deductions, closing loopholes and so far they haven't shown willingness to moving tax rates up for upper income americans. do they talk about entitlements? folks on the left say we're not touching entitlements right now.

>> talk about what house speaker boehner said demanding that the president's health care law be on the table in the deficit talks, although didn't he tell diane sawyer it was the land of the law? anyway, the cincinnati enquirer saying we can't afford it and can't afford to leave it intack. so, keith, are we -- i mean, is this the same version repeat the first, whatever that is? you know, same old, same old. he told diane sawyer straight to her eyes this is the law of the land .

>> i guess the tea party people got to him. there's a story that they called election night and neither one came to answer the phone and reportedly they were asleep. i think they actually were asleep because apparently they slept through the fact we had an election and they lost. they still think that they're going to repeal obama care and john boehner , if he seriously thinks it's up for negotiations in this fiscal cliff talks has to be crazy. out of his mind if president obama or democrats have a reason to give up on something that the american people approved. it is just not going to happen. they need to move on.

>> zachary, one thing about the fiscal cliff, because there are certain rumors, whispers, that is, from senator like patty murray who says that they would be willing to see the country go off the fiscal cliff. are there benefits to watching everybody go over?

>> well, look. this like the debt ceiling is a created, dramatic target date. meaning, it is true that all of these things would happen if january 1 comes and for the entirety of 2013 neither congress nor the president agrees on any changes and then the forecasts of the consequences of these --

>> the sun comes up on january 1st . right?

>> it still does and then $4,000, $5,000 hit to middle class families and only true if a year passes with this going on and congress does nothing. i would say if you're dramatically cynical and the state of washington and hard not to be, the likelihood has to be close to zero as humanly possible so what you're talking about is optic of january 1 come and according to senator murray, reset the baseline of the debate? january 1 comes and basically back before the bush tax cuts . and then everything becomes a negotiation of what then becomes added to a tax cut , not removed from a baseline. that may be politically very viable.

>> gentlemen, thank you. martin, thank you.

>> thank you.

>> keith, zachary, happy holidays to all three of you. you're


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Eight Myths and Facts About Plastic Surgery | Jackie's Women's ...

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The field of plastic surgery is surrounded by fears that can make people think twice before undergoing a procedure. Fortunately, most of those fears are unfounded. Below are some of the most common myths about plastic surgery as well as the facts that debunk them.

Source:Eight Myths and Facts About Plastic Surgery

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Plastic Surgery Secrets-the first Secrets Series? title in the PLUS format-offers an easy-to-read, information-at-your-fingertips approach to plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery. Jeffrey Weinzweig has joined forces with world-renowned plastic surgeons Joseph McCarthy, Julia Terzis, Joseph Upton, Fernando Ortiz-Monasterio, and Luis Vasconez, and others to bring you the expert perspective you need to grasp the nuances of this specialty. This new edition features an additional color that highlights tables, legends, key terms, section and chapter titles, and web references. All this, along with the popular question-and answer approach and list of the "Top 100 Plastic Surgery Secrets," make it a perfect concise board review tool and a handy clinical reference.

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