Monday, July 15, 2013

Adrenal burnout/fatigue a possible "byproduct" of - Health, Fitness ...

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:52 am?? ?Post subject: Adrenal burnout/fatigue a possible "byproduct" of Reply with quote

Initially I thought this forum was primarily fitness/exercise related so I wasn't going to post this here. If this is the wrong forum, please forgive me.

As I have been struggling with chronic fatigue, depression, irritability, and now weight is starting to be a problem, I have been reading a lot on various theories for the combined symptoms and their increasing severity.

I came across several articles on cortisol and adrenal fatigue/burnout. The question that came to mind is "how many Apies are suffering this as a secondary problem?"

We know that aspies are at increased risk of secondary issues, such as behavioral disorders (add, bipolar, etc.), but what about associated physical complications such as adrenal problems that the conventional medical community ignores, such as adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue (which is a symptom of others), etc.

I can post links to the articles if it is permitted and anyone is interested.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:34 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally I think it's not really the "cause" of Aspergers, if that's what you're trying to say. What I do think is, Aspergers more or less means, well, a weaker constitution. You have to exert more effort to get an equivalent task done, ie, socializing. Sure you can learn and adapt, but it takes more energy for you to do so, thus easier to get adrenal burnout.

For example, here's a context. When I deadlifted for the first time in my life, I pulled 255. I have an Indian friend who it took like a year to reach 255. I have a stronger natural construction than him. It takes him a lot more effort to reach the same level I did at the start. Now, not that deadlifting is know, the same thing, but if day in and day out, your job was to deadlift, say, 225lbs constantly (like 50x a day,) and you started at 135 or less, then you'd probably get fired if you didn't adapt, and in the adaptation process, since it wasn't slow and controlled like you going to a gym, you'd probably get injured, whereas someone with a starting lift like me would probably adapt pretty easily to it.

So the point is, everyone can adapt to be whatever they long as it doesn't kill or break them in the process. This is what people don't understand about Aspergers and other illnesses. They say "well why don't you toughen up lololol" and it's not quite that simple if your starting base is so bad.

The other thing, too, with socializing, etc, it's not like a deadlift in that it's like, not just one thing. Socializing is multiple things, multiple variables, etc.

But the reason I say this all is, under "light" circumstances I don't need any supplements/drugs. But now working a fulltime job, I need to be on a bunch of ginseng, vitamins, Chinese medicine, etc, just to work a job like a "normal" person. My job isn't even all that hard. It's just I'm poorly suited for working like a normal person. So the drugs (well they're herbal but to me they're drugs, ephedrine and heroin are technically "herbal" too) help me to adapt.

So yeah, having Aspergers, you're probably gonna be burnt out as hell, because you're going to be expending more energy mentally to get "normal" things done. The flipside to this sometimes is we get special abilities/talents/ways of thinking, but it's quite a cursed existence in my book.

Broz believes that there's no such thing as being overtrained, just undertrained.

If you got a job as a garbage man and had to pick up heavy cans all day long, the first day would probably be very difficult, possibly almost impossible for some to complete. So what do you do, take three days off and possibly lose your job?

No, you'd take your sore, beaten self to work the next day. You'd mope around and be fatigued, much less energetic than the previous day, but you'd make yourself get through it. Then you'd get home, soak in the tub, take aspirin, etc. The next day would be even worse.

But eventually you'd be running down the street tossing cans around and joking with your coworkers. How did this happen? You forced your body to adapt to the job at hand! If you can't' squat and lift heavy every day you're not overtrained, you're undertrained! Could a random person off the street come to the gym with you and do your exact workout? Probably not, because they're undertrained. Same goes with most lifters when compared to elite athletes.

? John Broz 2002

What having Aspergers is like.
'My brain cannot handle you being both ?lemme quote a whole bunch of people and sound like a normal intelligent human being? and ?I threw mustard because my anime game music didn?t help my 115lbs snatch.? I enjoy both so don?t rush to pick one.'

Last edited by 1000Knives on Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:44 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

1000Knives wrote:
Personally I think it's not really the "cause" of Aspergers, if that's what you're trying to say. What I do think is, Aspergers more or less means, well, a weaker constitution. You have to exert more effort to get an equivalent task done, ie, socializing. Sure you can learn and adapt, but it takes more energy for you to do so, thus easier to get adrenal burnout.

For example, here's a context. When I deadlifted for the first time in my life, I pulled 255. I have an Indian friend who it took like a year to reach 255. I have a stronger natural construction than him. It takes him a lot more effort to reach the same level I did at the start. Now, not that deadlifting is know, the same thing, but if day in and day out, your job was to deadlift, say, 225lbs constantly (like 50x a day,) and you started at 135 or less, then you'd probably get fired if you didn't adapt, and in the adaptation process, since it wasn't slow and controlled like you going to a gym, you'd probably get injured, whereas someone with a starting lift like me would probably adapt pretty easily to it.

So the point is, everyone can adapt to be whatever they long as it doesn't kill or break them in the process. This is what people don't understand about Aspergers and other illnesses. They say "well why don't you toughen up lololol" and it's not quite that simple if your starting base is so bad.

The other thing, too, with socializing, etc, it's not like a deadlift in that it's like, not just one thing. Socializing is multiple things, multiple variables, etc.

But the reason I say this all is, under "light" circumstances I don't need any supplements/drugs. But now working a fulltime job, I need to be on a bunch of ginseng, vitamins, Chinese medicine, etc, just to work a job like a "normal" person. My job isn't even all that hard. It's just I'm poorly suited for working like a normal person. So the drugs (well they're herbal but to me they're drugs, ephedrine and heroin are technically "herbal" too) help me to adapt.

inre your first paragraph, no i'm not suggesting that it is the cause of AS, but, as you suggest, is more likely to be caused by AS.

would you be willing to share the herbals (name, quantity, frequency, etc) that work for you? I find it interesting that you are using herbals. several of the articles I have read offer that suggestion but don't give specifics.
Android and google calendar. now I never miss an appointment. If only they could help me to remember to change to appropriate attire. Its embarrassing on a subway to realize your pajama fly has unsnapped and your bunny slippers are missing an ear.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:48 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, let's see. I use two Chinese medicines. One is Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan, which I think means "Free and Easy Wanderer" pills. Basically it's an antidepressant or antistress medicine? You're supposed to take 8-10 pills twice a day. I take 7 pills in the morning and 4 at night. I take another Chinese medicine called Bu Nao Wan,, which supposedly translates to "Cerebral Tonic." Take a lower dose of that. Recommended dose is like 8-10 pills 2-3x daily. I take like 5-6 in the morning and like 3 at night. TCM is kinda tricky, as you need a diagnostic and it's a lot different than Western medicine. For me personally, I cut out a lot of the meat and stuff I was eating and ate more vegetables and stuff, in Chinese medical terms meat is "yang" and "warming/hot/fire" usually. So it'd make my mood swings and whatnot worse, more hormones. What made me look into TCM was actually getting a UTI and having the Chinese medicine work better than antibiotics and having the UTI go away once I cut my meat consumption down.

For non-TCM herbs, I take schizandra (single dose) in the morning, half dose evening. Well, schizandra is used in TCM, but not too often by itself. I also take Siberian ginseng, but sometimes take red or American ginseng (only have American ginseng candy, though, good candies for when you're stressed, haha.) Siberian I find is "smoothest" of them all. In Chinese medicine Siberian is "neutral" whereas red ginseng is yang and American is yin, so that's another reason.

Besides that, I take B vitamins and vitamin D, and vitamin C.

Doing this I don't need insane amounts of coffee to do normal people things. However if I'm left in a non-stressful thing, I feel OK after just a cup of coffee or whatever, and no pills. What else, I also had hypoglycemia for awhile, I believe due to adrenal burnout/stress. I bought the first Chinese pills to deal with that, actually, and it worked.

So what I use is just what I use. It might not work for your composition/etc. Let's see, Rhodiola Rosea is pretty sweet sh**. But it's too strong for me to use on a daily basis, imo. Stuff kept me wired and focused as all hell.
'My brain cannot handle you being both ?lemme quote a whole bunch of people and sound like a normal intelligent human being? and ?I threw mustard because my anime game music didn?t help my 115lbs snatch.? I enjoy both so don?t rush to pick one.'

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