Saturday, April 7, 2012

Monsanto - Should they be made to answer?

I post a disclaimer here just in case anyone from Monsanto joins site specially to debate this, your products were banned in the UK for a reason.

Now if you're not aware Monsanto been in the news a lot lately, their product Round-Up is being questioned whether it's to blame for Americanized Honeybees dying out, as well the fact Vermont is trying to have their products labelled with GMO (even though Monsanto is threatening to sue them for this) as science has shown, much of their products lead to side effects in both humans and animals. Not to mention their special seed they sell to most if not all American farmers germinates only one year, then dies, so Farmers have to buy new crops every year. Monsanto are considered by most to be one the worse companies in the US, it's practices and decisions are horrifically unethical.

So clearly I have bias here, but it's current events so might as well discuss, I'll mostly watch due to my bias here.

But thoughts?

We help the multi-nationals
when they cry out protect us.
The locals scream and shout a bit,
but we don?t let that affect us.
We?re here to lend a helping hand
in case they don?t elect us.
How dare they buy our products
yet still they don?t respect us.

Billy Bragg - The Marching Song Of The Covert Battalions

marine helicopter crash chicago weather star jones evan longoria wheres my refund photo of whitney houston in casket carrot top

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