Thursday, October 18, 2012

PepsiCo profit beats expectations, affirms 2012 outlook

(Reuters) - PepsiCo Inc reported higher-than-expected quarterly earnings on Wednesday, despite weaker revenue caused in part by the stronger U.S. dollar and the exit of certain businesses.

The maker of Diet Pepsi, Frito-Lay snacks and Tropicana orange juice said third-quarter net income was $1.90 billion, or $1.21 per share, down from $2.00 billion, or $1.25 per share, a year earlier.

Excluding restructuring and other charges and a gain on commodity hedges, earnings were $1.20 per share. On that basis, analysts on average were expecting $1.16 per share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Revenue fell 5 percent to $16.65 billion, below analysts' average estimate of $16.90 billion.

Excluding the impacts of currency fluctuations and the refranchising of its bottling businesses in China and Mexico, revenue grew 5 percent, reflecting 1 percentage point of volume growth and 4 percentage points from price increases.

The results come a day after rival Coca-Cola Co also reported weaker-than-expected revenue, hurt by declines in Europe and the Pacific region.

In the third quarter, overall sales volume rose 6 percent in the snack business, after acquisitions lifted sales in Latin America. In North America, volume rose 1 percent at Frito-Lay and 2 percent at Quaker Foods.

PepsiCo's Americas Beverage business saw volume fall 3 percent.

The company also affirmed its full-year outlook, which calls for earnings per share to fall 5 percent from the $4.40 it earned in 2011, and revenue to increase by a low single-digit rate reflecting the changes in China and Mexico.

For PepsiCo, 2012 is a transition year, as it ramps up marketing, cuts thousands of jobs and streamlines its portfolio to improve performance, especially in its North American beverage business.

So far this year, the company has introduced Pepsi Next, a mid-calorie cola, and started a new global marketing campaign for its flagship Pepsi brand.

The company has incurred restructuring charges of $193 million through the third quarter related to its productivity program. It expects additional charges of $205 million in the remainder of 2012, and $129 million from 2013 through 2015.

(Reporting by Martinne Geller in New York; Editing by Maureen Bavdek)


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cable Internet vs. Mobile Broadband | TechGeec

Three decades ago the only essential things identified by researchers for mankind to survive were water, food, clothing, medicine, and shelter; not until humanity was introduced to the so-called ?Internet?. After long years of research and extensive experimentation, mankind had perfected the science of telecommunications and connectivity, making the world smaller and smaller until it could be manipulated with just our fingers.

The invention of the Internet is considered one the most significant events throughout history. And as experienced, this phenomenon just came out from the open without any said launching or debut. All of a sudden humanity was caught needing the essentials of the Internet.

With the prevalence of the Internet, business sectors are now in their rat race to achieve supremacy in this industry. Companies were established and developed in order to provide the masses with this new online communication.

The pioneering companies were divided into two sectors; the cable Internet and the mobile broadband Internet. These types of Internet connections both offer excellent services which will be suited to the needs and preference of the users. Some companies even have both services because they realize that these services are needed not only by internet savvy individuals but also by the ordinary people who would like to be connected 24/7.

Let us look where these connections do best in terms of:


A cabled Internet connection is much cheaper compared to mobile broadband. The price differs according to preferred internet speed. The slower the Internet speed, the cheaper the cost is. Mobile broadband on the other hand seems a little expensive because it requires more technology to transmit Internet signal while the users are mobile. The verdict on which internet connection wins in this category will be prized on the mobile broadband. It is because the usability of the cable internet connection is poor compared to the capability of the broadband to be mobile. The simplest explanation of this will be noticed by the cable Internet users who pay extra charges to connect to the Wifi zones.


There is no argument with this category that mobile broadband wins. Unlike cable internet where connectivity will only be limited to a maximum of 100 meters provided by a WiFi router, mobile broadband can be utilized in any place provided that the network is available.


In this case, cable Internet wins this category. As a stationary connection, a secured system is expected because users can be easily identified. Unlike with the mobile broadband where signals are transmitted through towers, cable internet users have full control over the security of the internet connection by screening identified users to their network. The only risk of having cable Internet is when users travel and need to connect to WiFi. Security will be vulnerable in this case because a public internet service is prone to viruses, spyware, and other forms of malware. Mobile broadband on the other hand can be safe anywhere at any given time.

In conclusion, mobile broadband wins the overall battle in terms of price, mobility, and security.

This article was submitted through TechGeec?s article submission form.

Jashon Wills is a professional online article writer who promotes even and truthful facts. He believes that cable Internet information may be a bit scattered, but this page consolidates much of the info if you choose to visit it.

This entry was posted in Articles, Hero Slider and tagged availability, broadband, cable, cable providers, communication, Internet, mobile broadband, mobile broadband internet, mobility, price, pricing, public, review, router, security, service providers, wifi, wireless, wireless internet. Bookmark the permalink


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Nature, Technology and Religion -? Transdisciplinary Perspectives ...

The European Forum for the Study of Religion and Environment is pleased to announce?the fourth international conference from May 22 to May 25, 2013, to be held at the Sigtuna Foundation in Sweden (nearby Stockholm), in association with the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture and The Sigtuna Foundation, entitled:

Nature, Technology and Religion ? Transdisciplinary Perspectives

Keynote speakers are:
Bronislaw Szerszynski, Lancaster University
Lisa Sideris, Indiana University
Zemfira Inogamova, Totnes, Devon
Walther Christoph Zimmerli, Brandenburg University of Technology
Bengt Gustafsson, Uppsala University

Conference committee:
Maria Jansdotter Samuelsson, Karlstad University
Sigurd Bergmann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Celia Deane-Drummond, Notre Dame University
Forrest Clingerman, Ohio Northern University
Carl Reinhold Br?kenhielm, Uppsala University

The capacity to invent, construct and use technical artifacts is an essential skill of human beings. Technology furthermore represents one of the central pillars of modern society and dominates the social sphere. Different ? conflictual ? understandings of technology and its significance for the modern society are at the heart of modern self-understanding, and these are by no means reconciled with each other. In spite of technology?s deep impact on human lifeworlds as well as on different kinds of natural environments, reflections about ethics and the deeper driving forces of technology have so far not been developed in a satisfying way. Additionally, the interaction between religious traditions and the meanings of technology is often poorly developed.

Although technology has not been regarded as a faculty of its own right in the academy, nevertheless from mid-20th century technology has moved closer to science and has rapidly increased not only its own power but also transformed the development of science in general as well as impacting on culture more widely. As developments in technology and science are rooted in the religious Christian history of the West, one needs to investigate deeper the internal normative codes from this long European history as these seem to be active still today in spite of the overall secularization of science.

Ethically regarded, it is probably preferable to regard technology as a highly ambiguous phenomenon which needs to be analyzed and examined in a much deeper way than commonly conducted. While many scholars have explored the interconnection of ethics and religion only a few have investigated how technology, ethics and religion interact.

As modern technology impacts are widely and deeply affecting many different spheres of life, religion and research, it should be a common task to continuously reflect on technology developments critically and constructively for the sake of the Common Good, including human and non-human life systems. The planned event intends to explore the phenomenon of religion and the spiritual and socio-cultural power of human technical innovation. The conference will offer the beginning of a wider novel discourse about the nature of technology and the technically constructed ?second nature? and how both interact with each other. New ethical standards and reflections might result from such a discourse. This discussion also might catalyze new insights about the Sacred at work in human technical creativity.

Questions such as the following indicate clearly the need for deeper reflection on technology, demanding a broader investigation in the environmental humanities and the sciences. The proposed conference will hereby focus on the implicit religious driving forces of technological practices and discourses about by attention to religious traditions, the diversity of nature and the meanings of technology.

? What criterion is used to make decisions about technological development: that what benefits life or that what increases profits? How are benefits and profits defined, and who is consulted? Can one model the practices of ?homo faber?, the engineering human, rightly in present economic systems?

? How is the spread of technology affecting global justice between the rich and the poor? How does it affect environmental justice? What is the relationship between technology and globalization?

? In what ways are technologies in the social sphere impacting on receptivity to environmental issues, particularly among youth cultures?

? How can one understand the ambiguity of environmental technology, for example in the context of climate change, where climate technology on the one hand is expected to produce solutions of problems due to anthropogenic (dangerous) change and on the other hand promotes a specific form of irresponsibility due to its externalization of responsibility to experts and self-going systems? How should one interpret large-scale, technological attempts at global geo-engineering against this horizon?

? How are different models of human self-understanding at work in ideational legitimations of technology? What role did and does the old Jewish-Christian understanding of the human person as God?s icon play for ?homo faber?? Are religious traditions offering alternative paths for technical self-regulation?

? How are understandings of nature and the environment in relationship to ?the Sacred? at work in different technologies and discourses?

? Do modern technics liberate us from the human body and its semiosis in the relation between organism and environment, and allow us to follow an independent evolutionary dynamic? What influences does it have on natural environments as well as on self-understandings of human beings and their practices, perceptions and imaginations?

? Can one explore technology with the help of methods from gender studies and post-colonial studies in order to generate new knowledge, and what can modern technology teach about the spirituality and culture of late modernity?

? What are the deeper normative beliefs implicit and behind technological innovations? How can religious studies ? especially the study of religion and the environment ? throw light on the significant fabrications of meaning?

? In what ways is the notion of progress ? with which modern construals of technology are associated ? related to religious interpretations of history and eschatologies? What is the contribution of apocalyptic discourses to this debate?

? What can indigenous cultures teach about the animated artifacts for human survival and how are such spiritual practices and perspectives embedded in cultural systems? Are technical artifacts made into fetishes? How are ?magic? and ?power? fueled by human machines?

We invite contributions from scholars based anywhere in the world and in all fields that address the theme of the conference. Submissions are welcome by January 4, 2013. Decisions will be shared after February 1. Please, submit your abstract, no more than 200 words, together with a brief (one-page) CV as e-mail attachment or by post to <> (Dr. Maria Jansdotter Samuelsson, Faculty of Arts and Education, Karlstad University, 65188 Karlstad, Sweden).

Registrations for the event are welcome from January 15 to the Sigtuna foundation. An invoice for the conference fee (4800:-SEK/555:-?, covering single room and all meals) will be sent after registration. Contact: <>

For further information, please contact:
Maria Jansdotter <>

Information about key note speakers can be accessed at:


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Save money with 'the fall clothes rotation'

Buy clothes based on off-season discounts, not based on need or want, Hamm writes.

By Trent Hamm,?Guest blogger / October 16, 2012

Barbara Cubbin, a school bus driver, shops at Savers. By rotating clothes throughout the seasons, Hamm writes that he simply does not spend very much on clothes.

Joanne Ciccarello/The Christian Science Monitor/File


Late last winter and early last spring, many local places put their fall and winter clothes on deep discount. Long sleeved shirts and long pants had to go to make room for the short sleeved shirts and shorter pants, after all.

Skip to next paragraph Trent Hamm

The Simple Dollar is a blog for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two. Our busy lives are crazy enough without having to compare five hundred mutual funds ? we just want simple ways to manage our finances and save a little money.

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I actually went to one of these sales and picked up a couple of items on deep discount. I took those items home, opened up a box that I keep in the garage, and added the items to that box.

That box, of course, contained my fall and winter clothes.

Just a few days ago, I pulled out that box. When I opened the lid, I found a bunch of folded, clean clothes that were appropriate for the season.

Over the next few weeks, as I wash them and fold them, I?ll be adding most of my spring and summer clothes to that box. Soon, that box will find itself out in the garage, waiting on a shelf for April.

* * *

The fall (and spring) clothes rotation is such a simple move, but it saves me quite a lot of money.

Whenever I notice that an article of clothing is getting worn out, I just add it to the rag bag. I don?t worry about replacing it immediately.

Instead, at the end of the season, when clothes are on deep discount as the styles for the next season are rotating in, I might buy enough items to make up for the ones I had to get rid of (if I didn?t already find them elsewhere). Those items are almost always purchased at a very steep discount.

I put those discounted items away with my other seasonal clothes and open up the box of clothes I have stored for the coming season. On top of that box, I?ll find a few new items of clothing ? the ones I bought on sale several months ago when they were being rotated out ? and underneath it I have a full wardrobe of clothes for the coming season.

Thanks to this rotation,?I simply don?t spend much for clothes, yet I have nice, presentable, and seasonally appropriate clothes for every season.

* * *

Obviously, this type of clothes rotation works best where the late fall and winter weather is drastically different than the spring and summer weather. However, you can still approximate this advantage in other areas.

The real key to my clothes plan is to have a ?cap? on my wardrobe size.?I only have a certain number of winter clothes and a certain number of summer clothes. When a new item is added, it?s either there to take up a slot or it?s in waiting to take up a slot (and the latter only happens when I receive a clothes gift).

If you?re in a place that doesn?t have seasonal rotation, just have a single wardrobe with a ?cap? and then wait for sales in your area. Whenever those sales pop up ? sales tax holidays, inventory rotations for other purposes ? get on board and buy a few items, but don?t add them to your wardrobe until you?re directly replacing something else that?s worn out.

In other words,?buy clothes based on low prices, not based on need or want.

It?s a simple change from how I used to buy clothes, where I?d just add new stuff whenever it seemed appropriate. The financial difference, though, is immense.

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Soul Switch

Soul Switch

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Sept. 11 hearing: Haggling over rights, secrecy

Janet Hamlin / AP

Guantanamo prisoner Ramzi Binalshibh, right, sits with a court translator and his lawyer Navy Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Bogucki, left, during a Military Commissions pretrial hearing for five prisoners accused of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Tuesday.

By NBC News' Courtney Kube and wire services

The military tribunal of 9/11 terrorism suspect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four co-conspirators resumed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba?on Tuesday,?plunged into arguments over one of the thorniest subjects that the court must iron out before the trial ? whether the suspects can talk about their detention and harsh interrogation in secret CIA prisons prior to their transfer to Guantanamo Bay in 2006.

The men are accused of planning and providing logistical support for the?Sept. 11, 2001 attacks by hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trade Center, the?Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, killing nearly 3,000 people.

Mohammed and the other four who are portrayed as his underlings face charges that include terrorism and murder, and?they could be sentenced to death if convicted.

This week?s proceedings hear arguments on 25 pretrial motions dealing mainly with privacy issues and the detainees' rights, and set the ground rules for the trial which is likely at least a year away.

Prosecutors have asked the judge to approve what is known as a protective order intended to prevent the release of classified information during trial.

The gag order prohibits mention of what the defendants experienced or learned during their interrogation because the tactics used on them were classified.

The defense argued that the government gave up the right to keep interrogation tactics classified when they exposed the defendants to the process.

They mainly object to one portion of the order, which says that, "Any statements made by the accused are presumptively Classified Information."?The defense teams believe that that is too broad a statement, and that there is no such thing as "presumptive classification" ? that information is classified or not.

The judge, Army Col. James?Pohl, pushed back on their argument, saying that both sides agree with the definition of what is classified and what is not, and that the attorneys are required not to disclose new information they deem could be classified.

"We're not talking about what you had for lunch today," Pohl said.

Janet Hamlin / AP

Merrilly Noeth, a relative of a victim of the Sept. 11 attacks, is pictured watching from behind sound-proof glass on the second day of the Military Commissions pretrial hearing for the five men accused of planning the attacks, at Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in Cuba, on Tuesday. Only two of five suspects were present in the second day of the proceedings--Yemenis Walid bin Attash and Ramzi Binalshibh.

But an attorney for Ramzi Binalshibh argued that issues just that mundane do become a hindrance, citing an example from defending another detainee.

After several hours of arguments against the protective order, the judge did not rule on the motion to strike the gag order Tuesday.

First Amendment appeal
Instead, Pohl moved on to hear arguments from First Amendment attorney David Schulz, on behalf of 14 U.S. news organizations seeking to report on legal proceedings at Guantanamo ? classified information or not.?

Schulz argued that the gag order should be lifted because the information about what happened to the defendants during their interrogations has been widely reported in the media.

"The New York Times is not a classification authority," Pohl shot back, saying that just because something is reported in the news or widely known doesn't mean it's now unclassified.

Schulz argued that the use of the 40-second delay switch also violates the First Amendment, but Pohl dismissed that, as well, saying that the switch can prevent the release of classified information that is inadvertently disclosed.

ACLU attorney Hina Shamsi was next to argue for more open proceedings, saying that when issues such as rendition and torture are under discussion, the public has a right to know about it.

Shamsi added that the public should be able to determine for themselves whether punishment is justified, the decide on the lawfulness of government actions with the defendants, and the overall fairness and legitimacy of these proceedings.

The judge stopped her there, saying the court would recess for the day to respect the defendants right to afternoon prayers.

The court will take up this argument again at 9am Wednesday, when the ACLU attorney will continue her arguments.

Last minute boycott
All five of the men were at Monday?s hearings, but on Tuesday, Mohammed, Saudi defendant Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi and Pakistani national Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali all bowed out. Walid Bin Attash and Ramzi Binalshibh, both from Yemen, did attend.

Mohammed, who has previously claimed he was the mastermind of the terrorist attacks, was taken from his cell at the U.S. base in Cuba to a holding cell outside the courtroom, then chose to boycott at the last minute, said a Navy officer whose name was not released by the court for security reasons.

He did not give a reason for sitting out the Tuesday hearing, but on Monday he dismissed the military tribunal with scorn, saying "I don't think there is any justice in this court."

Pohlruled Monday that the defendants have the right to be absent from this week's pretrial hearings, but said they would have to attend the trial.

The chief prosecutor, Army Brig. Gen. Mark Martins, had argued that the rules for the special war-time tribunals known as military commissions required the defendants to attend all sessions of the court.

But lawyers for the men disagreed, arguing that the threat of being forcibly removed from their cells would be psychologically damaging for men who had been brutalized while held during their captivity by the CIA.

Read more on Monday's hearing

The U.S. government has acknowledged that the defendants were subjected to "enhanced interrogation techniques" which in some cases included the simulated drowning method known as waterboarding.

"Our clients may believe that ... 'I don't want to be subjected to this procedure that transports me here, brings up memories, brings up emotions of things that happened to me,'" said Jim Harrington, who represents Binalshibh.

Harrington's statement elicited groans from a small group of family members of Sept. 11 victims who were chosen by lottery to view the proceedings at Guantanamo.? A few other families watched the proceedings on closed-circuit TV from U.S. military bases in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Maryland.

Defendant dress code
Also on Tuesday, the court dealt with what the detainees are allowed to wear in court.

The attorney for Mohammed, U.S. Army Capt. Jason Wright, explained that his client wants to wear a military-style camouflage vest over his traditional attire. He argued that Mohammad wore military-style clothing when fighting against the Soviets for the U.S. government in Afghanistan, so he has a right to do so in this courtroom, as well. Not allowing him to wear it undermines his presumption of innocence, the attorney argued.

Pohl said that the defendants would not be permitted to come into court in a complete U.S. Army uniform, but, he would not forbid all camouflage.

The five men were arraigned in May, and subsequent hearings were pushed back for various reasons.

A hearing in July was postponed to allow the defendants to observe the holy month of Ramadan. Hearings in August were delayed when an Internet outage left the lawyers unable to access their electronic legal documents. That hearing was later canceled altogether as Tropical Storm Isaac approached.

A hearing scheduled for late September was also delayed because the work space for the defense lawyers was shut down due to a rat infestation and mold, which lawyers claimed were making them sick, Reuters reported.

Pohl ruled on Oct. 5 there would be no further postponements to the hearings.

An earlier attempt to try the five men at Guantanamo ended when the Obama administration tried to move the trials to New York City, where two of the hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center.

That was abandoned under pressure from Congress and from New Yorkers, and the charges were re-filed in Guantanamo.

NBC News' Kari Huus and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Making Sudoku puzzles less puzzling

ScienceDaily (Oct. 11, 2012) ? For anyone who has ever struggled while attempting to solve a Sudoku puzzle, University of Notre Dame complex networks researcher Zoltan Toroczkai and Notre Dame postdoctoral researcher Maria Ercsey-Ravasz are coming to the rescue. They can not only explain why some Sudoku puzzles are harder than others, they have also developed a mathematical algorithm that solves Sudoku puzzles very quickly, without any guessing or backtracking.

Toroczkai and Ercsey-Ravasz, of Romania's Babe?-Bolyai University, began studying Sudoku as part of their research into the theory of optimization and computational complexity. They note that most Sudoku enthusiasts use what is known as a "brute force" system to solve problems, combined with a good deal of guessing. Brute force systems essentially deploy all possible combinations of numbers in a Sudoku puzzle until the correct answer is found. While the method is successful, it is also time consuming.

Instead, Toroczkai and Ercsey-Ravasz have proposed a universal analog algorithm that is completely deterministic (no guessing or exhaustive searching) and always arrives at the correct solution to a problem, and does so much more quickly.

The researchers also discovered that the time it took to solve a problem with their analog algorithm correlated with the difficulty of the problem as rated by human solvers. This led them to develop a ranking scale for problem or puzzle difficulty. The scale runs from 1 through 4, and it matches up nicely with the "easy" through "hard" to "ultra-hard" classification currently applied to Sudoku puzzles. A puzzle with a rating of 2 takes, on average, 10 times as long to solve than one with rating of 1. According to this system, the hardest known puzzle so far has a rating of 3.6, and it is not known if there are even harder puzzles out there.

"I had not been interested in Sudoku until we started working on the much more general class of Boolean satisfiability problems," Toroczkai said. "Since Sudoku is a part of this class, it seemed like a good testbed for our solver, so I familiarized myself with it. To me, and to a number of researchers studying such problems, a fascinating question is how far can us humans go in solving Sudoku puzzles deterministically, without backtracking -- that is without making a choice at random, then seeing where that leads to and if it fails, restarting. Our analog solver is deterministic -- there are no random choices or backtracks made during the dynamics."

Toroczkai and Ercsey-Ravasz believe their analog algorithm potentially can be applied to a wide variety of problems in industry, computer science and computational biology.

The research experience has also made Toroczkai a devotee of Sudoku puzzles.

"Both my wife and I have several Sudoku apps on our iPhones, and we must have played thousands of times, racing to get the shortest completion times on all levels," he said. "She often sees combinations of patterns that I completely miss. I have to deduce them. Without paper and pencil to jot down possibilities, it becomes impossible for me to solve many of the puzzles that our solver categorizes as hard or ultra-hard."

Toroczkai and Ercsey-Ravasz's methodology was first published in the journal Nature Physics, and its application to Sudoku, appears in the Oct. 11 edition of the journal Nature Scientific Reports.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Notre Dame. The original article was written by William G. Gilroy.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. M?ria Ercsey-Ravasz, Zolt?n Toroczkai. Optimization hardness as transient chaos in an analog approach to constraint satisfaction. Nature Physics, 2011; 7 (12): 966 DOI: 10.1038/nphys2105
  2. M?ria Ercsey-Ravasz, Zolt?n Toroczkai. The Chaos Within Sudoku. Scientific Reports, 2012; 2 DOI: 10.1038/srep00725

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Food Chemists Celebrate Tasty Centennial

60-Second Science

It's the 100th anniversary of the Maillard Reaction, perhaps the most important chemical reaction that takes place to enhance food's taste when we cook. Karen Hopkin reports.

More 60-Second Science

Nobel week?a fine time to celebrate science?s most notable achievements. As you raise your glass to this year?s laureates, why not toast one of chemistry?s most delectable discoveries. Because it?s the 100th anniversary of the Maillard reaction, without which toast would be just a boring piece of dry bread.?

As noted in the current issue of Chemical & Engineering News [Sarah Everts, The Maillard Reaction Turns 100], in 1912 Louis-Camille Maillard first described what happens when you cook sugars along with protein. Driven by the heat, these molecules react to produce a variety of savory smells and tastes, the good stuff in everything from grilled steak and French fries to dark roast coffee, maple syrup, and crusty bread.

The reaction takes place pretty much any time you cook, which makes it the most favored?and flavored?chemistry around.

Of course, the Maillard reaction is not all peaches and cream?or popcorn and caramel. The same chemistry can also create acrylamide, a potential carcinogen made when meat gets charred on the barbie. And so chemists continue to work adding flavor to foods while keeping them carcinogen-free. Now that?s a recipe that should win a ticket to Stockholm.

?Karen Hopkin

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast]


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Tips to improve your online display ads ? iMediaConnection Blog

If you rely on online display advertising to spread the word about your company or products, you need to ensure your ads are of the highest quality. Poor advertisements that are unreadable and ugly do not reflect well on your business. If you want to improve your online ads, read ahead for some sensible ideas.

Your advertising goal is to encourage Internet users to click on your ads. Start by making sure your ads look pleasing to the eye. Avoid using unreadable fonts or colors that clash drastically. People are far more likely to click on creative and interesting ads.

Additionally, many Internet users have simply learned how to completely ignore ads on websites. You need to do something bold and refreshing to get attention among a sea of boring ads. Don't be afraid to use a little humor, but try to keep it clean.

Make sure your display ads are clear and to the point. You want to inspire people to immediately click on your banner the second they see it. If your banner is too confusing, people will quickly forget it and move on. Don't use your online display advertising as an opportunity to mock your competition. Your ads should only focus on your company and what makes it amazing.

Some ad locations on a website attract more attention than others. Web users are far more likely to notice ads at the top of the page than those near the bottom. It may cost you more to purchase advertising at the top of a website, but you will see better results.

Each of your ads should have a clear focus and message. Don't clutter your ads up with too many products or services. For each ad you create, choose a single theme to focus on. If your business has multiple products, try creating a separate advertisement for each one. You can spread your message further by adding single product ads to relevant pages on the Internet.

A good ad campaign requires you to constantly track your progress. Solicit feedback from your customers to find out if your ads are having a positive influence on your business. If an ad isn't working out, it's easy to try again with a new one. Treat every ad campaign as an opportunity to learn what works and how you can improve your message.


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Today&#39;s Foreclosure List ? a New Series - Portland Real Estate ...

There are a lot of folks regularly watching the market for foreclosure?opportunities so in an effort to make that easier I?ll be posting the daily foreclosure list here. This is a complete list that shows all foreclosures listed for sale in the entire Portland area and surrounding areas and cities. The links I will be posting will have a link to the newest listings (listed within the last 24 hours) and a link to all listings currently active on the market.

Of course and as usual, if you?re looking for a Realtor to work with to find foreclosure?opportunities?please give me a call.

Here?s the list:

To see the newest matches from RMLSweb click here. For a complete list of available matches click here.

On our website there is also a signup link if you?d like to recieve this list daily in your inbox, you can sign up either by calling, texting or emailing me or go here; this will take you to the information page on short sales and foreclosures on our website, give the page a moment to load and you will be presented with a pop-up to sign up for the foreclosures list.

~Scott McDonald

Tags: Foreclosure email list, foreclosures


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Media Release ? Social Security Bill Coerces Parents, Removes ...

This was the first Media Release from the Home Education Foundation on the Social Security Bill. It was reposted by 3 places and there will be an Opinion Piece? in the Truth 18 October.

Scoop: Social Security Bill Coerces Parents, Removes Freedom

Congoo: Social Security Bill Coerces Parents, Removes Freedom

All voices: Social Security Bill Coerces Parents, Removes Freedom

Media Release ? Social Security Bill Coerces Parents, Removes Freedom

October 9, 2012

Palmerston North, NZ ? The Home Education Foundation (HEF) of New Zealand is calling on politicians to reject the coercive new Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill.

The Bill, sponsored by Minister for Social Development Paula Bennett, passed the First Reading and has been sent to a Government Select Committee.

HEF National Director Barbara Smith says, ?I, along with many other Kiwis, have huge concerns about this bill.?

If the Bill passes, ?social obligations? will compel beneficiaries to send children aged 3-5 to an approved Early Childhood Education provider for at least 15 hours per week, ensure that their children attend school from age 5/6, register their children with a general practitioner, and attend all the government-approved Well Child checks.

?The government should not be coming into families like this and forcing our children to be separated from us,? Mrs Smith said.

?Back in 1877 we lost the freedom to educate our own children, at home, from ages 6-16. Our forefathers let us down by not fighting for this freedom more when the Education Act was passed in 1877. We now have to apply for exemptions for our 6 ? 16 year olds.

?Do we want that for our 3 -5 year olds as well? No, definitely no!?

Under the Human Rights Act 1993, parents have a right to choose what kind of education they will give their children. ?Over the years there has been a lot of research that children do much better at home than in Early Childhood centres,? Mrs Smith added, citing research available on the HEF website.

Mrs Smith says many concerned Kiwis have contacted her about the new legislation. ?They want to continue learning at home with their 3-5-year-old children.?

She is also concerned that the Bill will open a path to ECE and health checks being made compulsory for every child in New Zealand. ?The government will say that this is working so well for beneficiaries (and it won?t be) that they will want it to apply to everyone on the WFF and Family Support. Then to all 3- 5 year olds in a few years? time.?

As a widow with three minor children, Mrs Smith is uniquely placed to grasp the repercussions of the bill. ?I am not on the widow?s benefit as my 5 older children are supporting me. I am extremely thankful for them. But I feel for those widows and mothers raising their children on their own, trying to do a good job, wanting not to be separated from their 3-5-year-olds and wanting to make their own decisions about their children?s health. Reforming the benefit system should not include compulsory education and health care.

?Why don?t we target the irresponsible fathers rather than making it tougher for single mothers??

Mrs Smith encourages all concerned citizens to make submissions to the Select Committee.

?No matter whether you?re a beneficiary or not, this will affect you or your grandchildren down the line.

?This bill will not help at-risk or vulnerable children.

?It will take away our freedoms.?

Submissions to the Select Committee are due 1 November 2012.

About the Home Education Foundation

The Home Education Foundation has been informing parents for 27 years about the fantastic opportunity to de-institutionalise our sons and daughters and to embrace the spiritual, intellectual and academic freedom that is ours for the taking. Through conferences, journals, newsletters and all kinds of personal communications, we explain the vision of handcrafting each child into a unique individual, complete with virtuous character qualities, a hunger for service to others, academic acumen and a solid work ethic. For more information, please visit or more specifically


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Software Is Eating The Fashion World And The VCs Are Going Shopping

Screen Shot 2012-10-10 at 19.34.47Over the last couple of years a new trend amongst startups has been towards addressing incumbent industries. And there are few such traditional sectors as the world of fashion. Hence we've seen a great deal of activity in the space. We've seen the rise of apps to measure our bodies for clothes and personalise our fashion shopping experience. We've even seen fashion startups start to acquire each other. And tech is merging with fashion - heck, even models are starting to wear Google Glasses on the catwalk. What the heck is going on? Well I'll tell you: the disruption and transformation of an entire industry. Software is definitely eating this particular world. The latest symptom of this fever is the news that VC Index Ventures plans to offer up $50,000 to find the next hot little number.


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Venezuela Elections: Opposition Faces Daunting Task

CARACAS, Venezuela ? A veteran of Venezuela's long-suffering political opposition compared Sunday's presidential election to a soccer game played on a hill.

Opposition candidate Henrique Capriles defended a parking lot-sized goal on the downhill half while President Hugo Chavez's team manned a pixie goal on the uphill side, said Ramon Guillermo Aveledo.

"And the referees also kicked the ball for him," Aveledo said of the incumbent.

As Chavez prepares to begin a fourth term, Chavez has shown no signs he'll tweak the incumbent advantages that many say helped him defeat his strongest challenger ever. Those include an enormous party structure, government aid programs and an army of civil servants.

Capriles said at a news conference on Tuesday that the campaign involved a "gigantic dirty war" and that he went into the race with significant disadvantages.

"I was up against a candidate with more resources," Capriles told reporters. "All the machinery of the state was used to try to destroy me. All sorts of things were said about me. ... But we conquered 6 million wills."

In the face of such obstacles, the opposition now faces the daunting task of protecting its hard-won unity over the next six long years of Chavez's presidency, during which the leader's political advantages could grow.

Capriles did score historic gains by winning 44 percent of the vote. It was the opposition's best showing yet against Chavez in a presidential election.

"It's not a formidable defeat for the opposition, nor is it a big triumph for Chavismo," said Mariana Bacalao, a political science professor at Central University of Venezuela. "Never has the opposition been so strong."

In the days since the vote, Chavez has said he'd like to work with his opponents to unite the country.

The president called Capriles after the election, saying later that it was a pleasant conversation and that they even "joked at one point."

Recalling the chat, Capriles said he insisted on "dialogue in the country, the unity of the country,"

"To try to say that 6.5 million people are an elite, I think that's not recognizing reality," Capriles said, referring to Chavez's frequent insults of his opponents as "the bourgeoisie" and "oligarchs." He said that he told Chavez "we're willing to help the government" and that Chavez told the opposition leader his campaign was "a great effort."

Capriles said the president should recognize that with so much of the country supporting the opposition, he should lead "a government for all Venezuelans."

"Dialogue is our spirit," Chavez said at a news conference at the presidential palace. He urged the opposition "to speak clearly to the country and show a will for coexistence."

Vice President Elias Jaua said: "Venezuela needs a responsible opposition."

But some say the odds are so stacked that the opposition will struggle, and could fracture and fail to build on its historic gains. Despite the conciliatory words, some also expect the president will resume his political attacks, as he's done after previous peace offers.

"I'm very disappointed because I was convinced that (Capriles) was going to win," business owner Gonzalo Ramos said Tuesday, looking depressed at a plaza in the upscale Altamira district. "Now I don't see much future, neither in the opposition nor the country."

At Capriles' campaign night event, supporters wept and hugged each other in consolation when the results were announced.

Government adversaries won't have much more time to mope. They'll have to gear up for gubernatorial elections in December and convince the rank-and-file that not all has been lost. The opposition has tended to fare better in votes against Chavez's allies rather than against the president himself, so they could still hope to make gains, as they have in governorships and legislative seats since the last presidential election in 2006.

But the election results showed that Chavez will be a tough opponent in the state elections, with the president winning a majority of votes in 21 of 23 states plus the capital district of Caracas.

Some analysts say any opposition divisions to emerge after Capriles' loss would help Chavez's allies. So far, opposition leaders have maintained at least a public show of unity.

"Recrimination over their electoral defeat could produce fissures," said Miguel Tinker Salas, a Latin American studies professor at Pomona College in Claremont, California.

Divergences over political ideology could also fracture the opposition coalition, with some conservative parties that had lined up behind Capriles already complaining about his center-left stances.

"One of the main factors impeding unity is the lack of real consensus on an alternative proposal for the nation that can challenge the Chavez government," Tinker Salas said.

Despite the skepticism, Capriles dismissed suggestions that infighting could compromise the opposition's unity. The opposition held its first ever presidential primary in February and promptly closed ranks behind Capriles, the winner.

"Without a doubt, we have very big political capital that cannot be lost," Capriles said. "Our unity remains and our unity should be strengthened."

What will surely continue is the government machine built by Chavez that many say has won the president 14 years of loyalty. That includes at least 2.4 million national government employees, making up 8 percent of the country's population. By comparison, the United States, with tenfold the population, has almost the same number of federal employees, at 2.7 million.

Chavez ramped up public spending in the run-up to the election, building public housing and bankrolling social programs. Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world and received hundreds of billions of dollars in oil revenue over the past decade.

Retired electrician Manuel Millan said he could see the Chavez campaign all around him before the vote. Indeed, Chavez's image and slogans are everywhere in this country of 29 million people, from street posts to the uniforms of customs agents inspecting foreign visitors.

"The Chavez machinery was very big ? vehicles, posters, TV broadcasts," Millan said. "The other candidate almost didn't have any of it."

Capriles complained that during the campaign the electoral council did nothing while Chavez regularly used his powers as president to take over the airwaves for appearances. "Why couldn't they have been regulated?" Capriles said.

For the moment, it appears Capriles will remain the opposition's top figure despite his loss.

He said he will be working hard as the gubernatorial elections approach, though he hasn't yet decided whether he will run for re-election in Miranda state, which includes part of Caracas. "I'm going to do everything in my reach for all the candidates for governor and mayor to win."

Despite Sunday's setback, many opposition supporters still see Capriles as the country's best bet for a brighter future ? without Chavez.

As journalists mingled outside Capriles' campaign headquarters Monday, a young woman leaned out the window of a passing car and shouted: "I love you! Until the next one!"


Associated Press writers Jorge Rueda, Ian James, Fabiola Sanchez and Vivian Sequera contributed to this report.


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Israeli leader plans announcement on elections

(AP) ? Israel's prime minister says he has wrapped up consultations with his coalition partners, fueling speculation he is about to call early parliamentary elections.

Aides say Benjamin Netanyahu spent the day discussing the possibility of new elections with his partner. He planned an announcement later Tuesday. Israeli TV stations, citing officials close to the prime minister, said he was expected to order new elections.

The next vote is scheduled a year from now. Israeli governments rarely last their full terms, and speculation has been growing that the current government's days are numbered.

The immediate reason is the coalition's inability to pass a 2013 budget. But conditions are ripe for a Netanyahu re-election, given his popularity at home, the lack of a clear rival and fears the economy could weaken next year.

Associated Press


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Monday, October 8, 2012

PFT: Vick can't figure out all his fumbling

Philadelphia Eagles v Pittsburgh SteelersGetty Images

The good news for Eagles quarterback Mike Vick is that he had no further interceptions on Sunday at Pittsburgh.

The bad news for Eagles quarterback Mike Vick is that he lost two more fumbles.

The turnovers pushed his total through five games to 11, which means that he surrenders the ball on average 2.2 times per game.

?I wish I could tell you, but I don?t have any explanation,? Vick said after the 16-14 loss regarding his ongoing problems with ball security, according to Geoff Mosher of

One fumble came near the Pittsburgh end zone, wiping out seven or three points.? In a game ultimately decided by two points, that was potentially significant.

?I wish I could take back the fumble the goal line, but I can?t,? Vick said.? ?Ultimately, we put ourselves in a position to win this game, but we didn?t win.? That?s how it goes in the NFL.? You wish you could have some things back and there are plenty of things I wish I could have back through the course of the season, but you can?t get them.?

And while it would be understandable for some Philly defensive players to be getting upset with Vick?s repeated miscues, Vick was indirectly called out by running back LeSean McCoy.

?That?s always frustrating,? McCoy said, who rushed for only 53 yards in his return to Heinz Field, where he played college football.? ?That contributed to the loss.? You need to at least score three.? If we get seven, it?s a different ball game.? We have to stop it.?

The Eagles have been saying ?we have to stop it? for most of five weeks now.? Sooner or later, perhaps they?ll realize that they it?s not going to stop, and that they simply have to work around it.


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