Thursday, May 31, 2012

Light-induced delivery of nitric oxide eradicates drug-resistant bacteria

Light-induced delivery of nitric oxide eradicates drug-resistant bacteria [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-May-2012
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Contact: Tim Stephens
University of California - Santa Cruz

New compound eradicates highly resistant 'Iraqibacter' bacteria through controlled release of nitric oxide

SANTA CRUZ, CA--Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have developed a novel approach for eradicating drug-resistant bacteria from wounds and skin infections, using light to trigger the controlled release of nitric oxide. The UCSC team developed a photoactive compound that releases nitric oxide when exposed to light, and loaded it into a porous, biocompatible material that could be applied as a sprayable powder.

In laboratory tests, the light-triggered nitric oxide treatment eradicated a highly drug-resistant strain of Acinetobacter baumannii, a type of gram-negative bacteria that causes hard-to-treat and potentially lethal infections throughout the world, including serious infections in soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. The team led by Pradip Mascharak, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at UC Santa Cruz, and graduate student Brandon Heilman published their results in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS). The paper is currently available online and will be featured on the cover of a future print issue of the journal.

Nitric oxide has potent antimicrobial effects and is known to play a role in the immune system and promote wound healing. Gaseous nitric oxide has been used to treat infected wounds, but handling the toxic and reactive gas poses many challenges. So researchers have begun exploring a variety of other methods for delivering nitric oxide as an antibiotic treatment. Because nitric oxide attacks a large number of targets in microorganisms, including DNA, proteins, and lipids, many scientists expect bacteria will not easily develop resistance to it.

Mascharak's lab developed a photoactive manganese nitrosyl, a compound that rapidly releases nitric oxide when exposed to light. As a carrier for this compound, the researchers used a porous silicate material known as MCM-41, which traps the photoactive compound inside its pores. They also tested a related aluminosilicate material (Al-MCM-41), which holds the photoactive compound even more tightly. Tests showed that after the light-triggered release of nitric oxide, the byproduct of the reaction remains trapped inside the powdery, biocompatible material.

"It only delivers nitric oxide. The rest remains trapped in the material, which can be washed out of the wound," Mascharak said. "We think it could be used as a sprayable powder for treating battlefield wounds."

Acinetobacter baumannii has earned the nickname "Iraqibacter" because it has caused so many serious infections in soldiers wounded in Iraq. Some strains of the bacteria are resistant to virtually all antibiotics. Mascharak's lab tested their compound against a strain, isolated from a soldier injured in Afghanistan, that showed resistance to nine of 11 antibiotics tested.

To test the photoactive compound, the researchers developed a laboratory model of skin and soft-tissue infections. A standard antibacterial assay involves growing bacteria on the surface of an agar plate (a petri dish with a layer of firm, gelatin-like growth medium). In an infection, however, bacteria are not only on the surface but also deeper within the skin or soft tissues. "We realized that there wasn't a good model for in vitro testing of antibiotics against soft-tissue infections," Heilman said.

To more closely mimic the conditions in an infected wound, Heilman mixed bacteria into a warm solution of "soft brine agar" and poured that onto agar plates to solidify. The bacteria then grew throughout a 1.1-millimeter-thick layer of soft agar, allowing growth and colonization to occur in a manner similar to that seen in skin and soft-tissue infections.

Heilman then applied the aluminosilicate powder, with and without the photoactive manganese nitrosyl compound, to a defined area of the plates before shining visible light on them. The released nitric oxide effectively cleared the bacteria from the treated areas of the plates, showing that the nitric oxide easily penetrated through the agar layer. The amount of light used to activate the compound (100 milliWatts per square centimeter) is a typical light flux on a sunny day, Mascharak said.

The ability to control the release of nitric oxide using light is a significant advantage for clinical applications, he added. Tests showed that illumination of the material causes a steady release of nitric oxide, which can be stopped and started repeatedly by turning the light off and on. In the field, this could be accomplished by covering and uncovering the treated area.

"This is the first proof-of-concept to show that it works," Mascharak said. In the paper, the researchers concluded that "It is expected that application of these nitrosyl-containing porous materials to infected wounds followed by exposure to sunlight will bring about a rapid reduction of the pathogen load."

The researchers now hope to find collaborators who can help them with the next levels of testing needed to develop the clinical potential of their compound.


In addition to Heilman and Mascharak, the coauthors of the paper include Jessica St. John, a UCSC graduate student, and Scott Oliver, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, who helped with the characterization of the materials. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the California Institute for Quantitative Bioscience (QB3).

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Light-induced delivery of nitric oxide eradicates drug-resistant bacteria [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-May-2012
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Contact: Tim Stephens
University of California - Santa Cruz

New compound eradicates highly resistant 'Iraqibacter' bacteria through controlled release of nitric oxide

SANTA CRUZ, CA--Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have developed a novel approach for eradicating drug-resistant bacteria from wounds and skin infections, using light to trigger the controlled release of nitric oxide. The UCSC team developed a photoactive compound that releases nitric oxide when exposed to light, and loaded it into a porous, biocompatible material that could be applied as a sprayable powder.

In laboratory tests, the light-triggered nitric oxide treatment eradicated a highly drug-resistant strain of Acinetobacter baumannii, a type of gram-negative bacteria that causes hard-to-treat and potentially lethal infections throughout the world, including serious infections in soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. The team led by Pradip Mascharak, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at UC Santa Cruz, and graduate student Brandon Heilman published their results in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS). The paper is currently available online and will be featured on the cover of a future print issue of the journal.

Nitric oxide has potent antimicrobial effects and is known to play a role in the immune system and promote wound healing. Gaseous nitric oxide has been used to treat infected wounds, but handling the toxic and reactive gas poses many challenges. So researchers have begun exploring a variety of other methods for delivering nitric oxide as an antibiotic treatment. Because nitric oxide attacks a large number of targets in microorganisms, including DNA, proteins, and lipids, many scientists expect bacteria will not easily develop resistance to it.

Mascharak's lab developed a photoactive manganese nitrosyl, a compound that rapidly releases nitric oxide when exposed to light. As a carrier for this compound, the researchers used a porous silicate material known as MCM-41, which traps the photoactive compound inside its pores. They also tested a related aluminosilicate material (Al-MCM-41), which holds the photoactive compound even more tightly. Tests showed that after the light-triggered release of nitric oxide, the byproduct of the reaction remains trapped inside the powdery, biocompatible material.

"It only delivers nitric oxide. The rest remains trapped in the material, which can be washed out of the wound," Mascharak said. "We think it could be used as a sprayable powder for treating battlefield wounds."

Acinetobacter baumannii has earned the nickname "Iraqibacter" because it has caused so many serious infections in soldiers wounded in Iraq. Some strains of the bacteria are resistant to virtually all antibiotics. Mascharak's lab tested their compound against a strain, isolated from a soldier injured in Afghanistan, that showed resistance to nine of 11 antibiotics tested.

To test the photoactive compound, the researchers developed a laboratory model of skin and soft-tissue infections. A standard antibacterial assay involves growing bacteria on the surface of an agar plate (a petri dish with a layer of firm, gelatin-like growth medium). In an infection, however, bacteria are not only on the surface but also deeper within the skin or soft tissues. "We realized that there wasn't a good model for in vitro testing of antibiotics against soft-tissue infections," Heilman said.

To more closely mimic the conditions in an infected wound, Heilman mixed bacteria into a warm solution of "soft brine agar" and poured that onto agar plates to solidify. The bacteria then grew throughout a 1.1-millimeter-thick layer of soft agar, allowing growth and colonization to occur in a manner similar to that seen in skin and soft-tissue infections.

Heilman then applied the aluminosilicate powder, with and without the photoactive manganese nitrosyl compound, to a defined area of the plates before shining visible light on them. The released nitric oxide effectively cleared the bacteria from the treated areas of the plates, showing that the nitric oxide easily penetrated through the agar layer. The amount of light used to activate the compound (100 milliWatts per square centimeter) is a typical light flux on a sunny day, Mascharak said.

The ability to control the release of nitric oxide using light is a significant advantage for clinical applications, he added. Tests showed that illumination of the material causes a steady release of nitric oxide, which can be stopped and started repeatedly by turning the light off and on. In the field, this could be accomplished by covering and uncovering the treated area.

"This is the first proof-of-concept to show that it works," Mascharak said. In the paper, the researchers concluded that "It is expected that application of these nitrosyl-containing porous materials to infected wounds followed by exposure to sunlight will bring about a rapid reduction of the pathogen load."

The researchers now hope to find collaborators who can help them with the next levels of testing needed to develop the clinical potential of their compound.


In addition to Heilman and Mascharak, the coauthors of the paper include Jessica St. John, a UCSC graduate student, and Scott Oliver, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, who helped with the characterization of the materials. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the California Institute for Quantitative Bioscience (QB3).

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

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Sophie Sumner Wins America's Next Top Model: British Invasion

U.K. contestant Sophie Sumner and American contender Laura LaFrate battled it out for the title on America's Next Top Model: British Invasion last night.

When all was said and done, Sophie took home the crown.

On the season finale of the long-running CW hit, Sophie recorded the dialogue for her CoverGirl commercial, while Laura shot the ad for the makeup line.

Sophie Sumner Picture

Right when she finished, Laura started having a full-on panic attack. She was rushed to the hospital, but was fine and got back in the game soon afterward.

The girls then did a shoot for Vogue Italia, and Laura killed it, reminding Sophie that this was very much a competition. But she couldn't surpass her.

After Sophie and Laura both hit the catwalk for Forever 21, with less than 90 seconds (!) for wardrobe change, the winner was finally announced.

Congratulations, Sophie Sumner, on your victory.

What do you think? Did she deserve to win?

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

auto insurance-Norman | Baltimore Share

auto insurance Norman OK Each year, more cars and drivers hit the highways. With so many vehicles on the road, accidents will happen. The difference between a small bother and major obstacle can be car insurance. So how do you know what insurance you need and how much to buy? Coverage requirements vary by state/province but usually include the following: Pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. Bodily injury damages include medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. It also covers your defense and court costs if you are sued. State laws usually mandate minimum amounts, but higher amounts are available and usually recommended. Personal injury protection: This is required in some states and is optional in others. Sometimes referred to as no-fault coverage, this pays the medical treatment for you or your passengers regardless of who was at fault. It may also cover lost earnings, replacement of services and funeral expenses. The minimum amount of this insurance is typically set by the state. Medical payments: This coverage is available in non-no-fault states; it pays despite who may have been at fault. It pays for an insured person?s reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses for bodily injury from an accident. Collision: Pays for damage to your car caused by a collision. Comprehensive: This applies if your car is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, including fire, wind, hail, flood or vandalism. Uninsured motorist: Pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have liability insurance or by a person who cannot be identified (usually a hit-and-run driver). Under-insured motorist: Pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have enough liability insurance to cover the full amount of the damages. Other coverage, such as emergency road service and car rental, is also available.Your auto insurance payments vary by company and will depend on several factors, including: * What coverage you select * The make and model of the car you drive * Your driving record * Your age, gender and marital status and * Where you live Some have come to think of auto insurance as a necessary evil, but it can truly rescue your economic health Evaluate your needs, research your options and with the support of your insurance agent choose the option that best suits you. Insurance Agents

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Ireland Real Estate Market Riding Out A Rough Year

Ireland's real estate market has had a rough 2012, with property prices down over 16% on the year. However, in a bit of good news the Dublin real estate market was up slightly in April. For more on this, continue reading the following article from Property Wire.

Average residential property prices in Ireland have fallen by 16.4% in the year to the end of April, according to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office.

This compares with an annual rate of decline of 16.3% in March and a decline of 12.2% recorded in the twelve months to April 2011.
Residential property prices fell by 1.1% in the month of April and this follows a stable period in March when there was no change in residential property prices recorded. A decline of 1% was recorded in April of last year.
In an encouraging sign Dublin residential property prices rose by 0.5% in April and are now 17.3% lower than a year ago. Dublin house prices increased by 0.2% in the month and were 17.9% lower compared to a year earlier.

The data also shows that Dublin apartment prices were 15.3% lower when compared with the same month of 2011.
The price of residential properties in the rest of Ireland fell by 2% in April compared with a decline of 1.3% in April last year. Prices were 16.1% lower than in April 2011.
House prices in Dublin are 55% lower than at their highest level in early 2007 while apartments in Dublin are 60% lower than they were in February 2007.

Residential property prices in Dublin are 57% lower than at their highest level in February 2007. The fall in the price of residential properties in the rest of Ireland is somewhat lower at 47%.
Overall, the national index is 50% lower than its highest level in 2007.

This article was republished with permission from Property Wire.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Are Foxconn Factory Workers in for a Raise?

Today in international tech news: Foxconn, the company that manufacturer iPods, iPads and other gear, is rumored to be doubling its employees' wages in China. Also, an investigation in Italy could lead to a nationwide block of one of the web's biggest BitTorrent sites, and the EU is abuzz about the cookie regulations to take effect in the UK this Saturday.

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The Evolution of Trust in Business-To-Business E-Commerce

Pauline Ratnasingam. Electronic Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Volume 1. Contemporary Research in Information Science and Technology Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2008.


E-commerce is defined as a means of conducting business electronically via online transactions among trading partners. Forrester Research predicted that B2B (business-to-business) e-commerce could be worth $5.7 trillion by the end of 2004. This study aims to examine the evolution of e-technologies and its impact on trust. Trust refers to reliance on and confidence in one?s business partner (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995). We discuss the evolution of e-technologies in light of the evolution of trust in technology trust (or transactional trust) and relationship trust or (relational trust). Electronic data interchange (EDI) was the prominent technology used in the 1970s and ?80s. As we approached the 21st century and with the advent of the Internet, businesses feared that the lack of presence on the Internet would hinder their competitive and strategic advantages. Internet competition in most industries is forcing businesses to search for ways to improve product quality, customer service, and operation efficiency in supply chain management (SCM) in order to remain competitive. Today e-commerce has moved beyond EDI via value-added networks (VANs) by leveraging into the Internet and extending into Web technologies. The Internet is transforming and reshaping the nature of inter-organizational commerce by enabling new types of inter-organizational relationships. The business benefits include lower costs and more flexible systems that provide a facilitating structure for virtual relationships, enabling the easier identification of suppliers and products and more integrated supply chain management (Dai & Kaufmann, 2000). The Internet has impacted the SCM e-commerce environment by creating a centralized, global business and management strategy (e.g., make to order, assemble to order, and make to stock), and online real-time, distributed information processing to the desktop, thereby providing total supply-chain information visibility and the ability to manage information not only within firms, but also across firms and industries.

On the other hand, uncertainties, technical complexities, and concerns about trust have kept many firms from participating actively in B2B e-commerce. Uncertainties reduce the confidence both in the reliability of online B2B transactions and more importantly in the trading parties themselves. In a survey of 60 procurement trading partners involved in supply chain management at U.S. firms conducted by New York-based Jupiter Media Metrix Inc. in 2001, the findings indicated that 45% of the trading partners suggest a lack of trust prevented them from buying goods and trading online more frequently. In the next section we discuss the evolution of e-technologies, followed by its role in supply chain management and impact on trust.


We discuss the evolution of e-technologies from traditional EDI via VANs to Internet-based EDI, extranets, e-marketplaces, and Web services commonly used in supply-chain activities today. Further, we link these e-technologies and their impact on trust. The study provides a novel discussion on how management is affected by using e-technologies for SCM activities. More importantly, we discuss how the evolution of different types of e-technologies impacts the evolution of trust. The next section describes the e-technologies.

Traditional EDI via Value-Added Networks

The traditional EDI-via-VANs technology has been used for almost three decades and has brought its users significant advantages resulting in increased productivity and efficiency. EDI is defined as the computer-to-computer exchange of intercompany business documents and information through standard interfaces that requires hardware, software, and communications technology that permit computers to transfer the data electronically (such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices, and price lists).

Organizations that used EDI relied mostly on VANs and private messaging networks, both characterized by relatively high costs and limited connectivity. As an automated information exchange, EDI standardizes documents such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping documents into an agreed-upon open-coded format. Connectivity to VANs was available only for large organizations that relied mostly on mailbox services. VANs were considered too expensive to implement, and smaller suppliers were pressured to adopt EDI (Langfield-Smith & Greenwood, 1998). Furthermore, recent research reflects reluctance on the part of traditional EDI trading partners to adopt the Internet due to the newness of the Internet technology, potential Internet legislations, the lack of Internet standards, and the lack of reliability and security of data transmission within the Internet environment.

Internet-Based EDI

Alternatively, Internet-based EDI, with significantly fewer implementation constraints, plays an important role in extending EDI benefits to a wider spectrum of businesses. Internet-based EDI differs from traditional EDI as it uses proprietary fat files in HTML (hypertext markup language) formats and it establishes two types of connections. The first is a direct connection that requires front-end translation software to transmit and display documents or interfaces with existing in-house application systems. Second is through a third-party Internet VAN (IVAN) that sets up a Web page to perform translations and exchanges among trading partners.

What was once cost effective for only large corporations conducting e-commerce in EDI format is today feasible for all organizations through Internet commerce applications (using Internet-based EDI, intranets, extranets, e-marketplaces, and Web services). E-technologies promote accessibility, availability, and universality, thereby allowing trading partners to interact with one another easily. Furthermore, the Internet provides smaller suppliers with an easy, inexpensive method of accessing data in addition to providing a ubiquitous reach and real-time access to information.


Extranets are Internet-based applications that use standard protocols, middleware, and browser software to fulfill functional requirements and support supply-chain operations. Extranets serve as information communication technologies that integrate internal and external communications along the supply chain. The applications improve firm competitiveness by increasing the efficiency of internal and external communications and organizations, and by facilitating new and improved products and services. Furthermore, it is used to support information sharing among registered trading partners. For example, when orders come into an extranet system, the lead time for delivering the products is composed of order-processing times, material lead times, assembly lead times, distribution lead times, transportation times, and installation times.


White and Daniel (2003) describe e-marketplaces as Web-based systems that enable automated transactions, trading, or collaboration between business partners. An electronic marketplace is an inter-organizational system that allows participating buyers and sellers to exchange information about processes, products, and services in the supply chain. Furthermore, Bakos (1998) suggests that the key tasks of e-marketplaces are matching buyers and sellers, aggregating and facilitating buyers? demands and sellers? products, and acting as agents of trust.

Web Services

Web services are modular Internet-based business functions that perform specific business tasks to facilitate business interactions within and beyond the organization. They are flexible, decentralized, open, unmonitored, shared Internet-based applications that allow firms to create new products and services faster than existing methods that consist of the dynamic assembly of loosely coupled components (e-services, legacy data; Fieldman, 2002; Fonseca, 2002). Web services bring requesters, providers, and brokers together, thereby connecting people, applications, and data (Fieldman). They are primarily technical, enabling e-collaborations among value-chain partners. Web services promise to increase flexibility, agility, and competitiveness as well as opportunities to reduce development cost and time. Early adopters of Web services include high-velocity industries, such as insurance, financial services, and high-technology industries. These industries are viewed as a set of diverse trading partners (including suppliers and customers) working closely together in a highly competitive market that requires continuous innovation to maintain competitive advantage (Paratech International, 2001). In the next section, we discuss how e-technologies impact supply chain management.

The Role of E-Technologies in Supply Chain Management

SCM is a network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms them into intermediate subassemblies and final products, and then delivers the products to customers through a distribution system. The Internet provides a platform for electronic inventory management, production planning, purchasing, distribution management, and payment systems (Anderson & Lee, 2003).

For example, in the automotive industry, SCM involves balancing reliable customer delivery with manufacturing and inventory-management costs in order to effectively perform the order-fulfillment cycle time, inventory level, and cost. The main activities include material processing such as blanking, stamping, and information processing to forecast and plan production for each supplier, manufacturer, and assembler. Coordination among trading partners is critical due to interdependencies that include the shipment of steel sheets to the stamping plant and the shipment of doors, roofs, hoods, and minor parts. The overall objective is to minimize the inventory levels necessary to maintain reasonable order-fulfillment cycle times, taking into consideration the demand, process, and supply uncertainties across the supply chain. E-technologies also offer several secondary services including integrating the purchasing, distribution, and inventory processes, thereby streamlining the entire transaction process and allowing better inventory management, quality control, and supply chain management. Buyers experience effective e-procurement collaborative activities through better and more informed decisions in selecting suppliers and products, through superior planning and forecasting, and by obtaining more competitive pricing, better delivery terms, and higher product quality in the supply chain. Information on products, prices, businesses, and services in electronic databases are available to registered trading partners anytime from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, firms are using Web-based tools to make decisions and validate their trading partners (Domke-Damonte & Lensen, 2002). For example,, a Lenexa provider of online freight management services, is using The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation in Murray Hill, NJ, to access the Global Decision Maker Web site for real-time recommendations on whether to grant credit. Therefore, both the internal and external integration of e-technologies is important for effective SCM. While internal integration involves interconnection with a variety of applications such as order entry, invoicing, billing, and payment transfers, external integration facilitates e-commerce transactions with trading partners such as suppliers, customers, government units, and financial institutions (Claycomb & Frankwick, 2004). Effective SCM and competition in the global economy demands trustworthy trading partners. In the next section, we discuss the role of trust in using e-technologies.

The Role of Trust in Using E-Technologies

The extant literature on relationship marketing defines trust as being that the partner?s word is reliable and that a party will fulfill its obligations. Economists and sociologists have been interested in how institutions are created to reduce the anxiety and uncertainty associated with transactions (e.g., Zucker, 1986). Trust in general involves uncertainty and dependency, as online transactions and exchange relationships are not only characterized by uncertainties, but also by anonymity, lack of control, and potential opportunism, making risk and trust crucial elements of e-commerce. Relational marketing includes activities directed toward establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges. Relational exchanges include supplier partnerships (goods suppliers, just in time, and total quality management), lateral partnerships (competitors, technology alliances, nonprofit organizations, government), buyer partnerships (ultimate customers and intermediate customers), and internal partnerships (functional departments, employees, and business units).

Institutionally based trust production uses formal mechanisms and does not rest on personal characteristics or on past history of exchange (Zucker, 1986). Similarly, Grabner-Krauter and Kaluscha (2003) suggest that one important reason for the importance of trust in e-commerce is the fact that in a virtual environment, the degree of uncertainty of economic transactions can bring about several risks caused by the implicit uncertainty of using open technological infrastructures for the exchange of information (system-dependent uncertainty), or can be explained by the conduct or behavior of actors who are involved in the online transaction (transaction-specific uncertainty).

We propose that in B2B e-commerce relationships, technical solutions and security services provide impersonal assurances that contribute to expectations, intentions, and behaviors. Behaviors and intentions (i.e., intentions to continue in the e-commerce relationship) is a predictor of actual behavior (i.e., relationship continuity). This is consistent with Zucker (1986): Technology trust can be viewed as a form of institution-based trust. It is created in an impersonal economic environment (without familiarity) with similarity (communality). Trust forms not because people know each other personally, but because institutional structures that are akin to policies, auditing, and recourse are embedded in the e-commerce technology. Hence, we propose two types of trust?technology trust and relationship trust?discussed in the next section followed by types of communications.

Technology Trust

We refer to this impersonal form of system trust as technology trust. Technology trust is derived from the security mechanisms and standardized, routine business processes embedded in e-commerce technologies. The foundations of technology trust are the technical safeguards, protective measures, and control governance mechanisms that aim to provide reliable transactions through standardized, routine processes and detective mechanisms embedded in the e-commerce technology. We define technology trust as the subjective probability by which organizations believe that the underlying technology infrastructure is capable of facilitating transactions according to their confident expectations.

Relationship Trust

Relationship trust refers to the conduct and behaviors of actors involved in online transactions. Relationship trust is defined as the subjective probability with which organizational members collectively assess that a particular transaction will occur according to their confident expectations. It is derived from the interpersonal component of e-commerce relationships. Behaviors reflect reliability, integrity, and dependability as well as knowledge and understanding of the e-commerce system. Unique to e-commerce relationships, relationship trust is evidenced when a partner makes available real-time information. Trading partners have access to supply-chain databases containing information such as demand forecasts, sales data, inventory data, production data, and distribution data.

What is Communications?

Morgan and Hunt (1994) suggest that a major precursor of relationship trust is communication, which is defined as ?the formal as well as informal sharing of meaningful timely information between firms? (Anderson & Narus, 1990, p. 44). Previous research suggests that quality communication is related to satisfaction with the partner, intentions to continue a relationship, and a willingness to provide referrals (Morgan & Hunt; Sawhney & Zabin, 2002). MacNeil (1981) acknowledges that honest and open lines of communications encourage continued growth and close ties between partners. Furthermore, Doney and Cannon (1997) suggest that a focal firm may confer trustworthiness upon a partner through the provision of positive statements about its experience with the partner. Likewise, Anderson and Narus (p. 45) suggest a positive link between trust and communication, and noted that the ?accumulation of trust leads to better communication.? Morgan and Hunt suggest that effective communication leads to relationship commitment, defined as an exchange partner believing that an ongoing relationship with another is so important as to warrant maximum efforts at maintaining it.

Types of Communications

There are two forms of communication in e-commerce relationships, namely the transactional and relational components of communication. The transactional component of communication is reflected in the more formal and precise reporting of outcomes and results. Transactional attributes of communication include the accuracy, timeliness, adequacy, correctness, and credibility of information exchanged between the partners (Mohr & Spekman, 1994). We suggest that technology trust sets the stage for initial trust. From a transactional perspective, trust in the technology contributes to satisfaction, commitment, and intentions to continue.

In contrast, the relational component of communication is reflected in the bargaining and negotiation between the partners. Similar to the information-sharing and participation aspects of communication identified by Mohr and Spekman (1994), trading partners share information and engage in joint planning and goal setting. The intent is to engage in conversations that become increasingly revealing to set the stage for the reciprocal sharing of information and increased risk taking. The higher the trust the buyers have in their suppliers, the more they will be inclined to exhibit positive behaviors, keep promises, and show care and concern. We argue that the role of relationship trust supports a positive relationship evidenced by cooperation, information sharing, satisfaction, and commitment leading to relationship continuity. Similarly, previous research suggests that there is a positive relationship between trust and commitment (Doney & Cannon, 1997; Ganesan, 1994).


This study explored the role of e-technologies in supply chain management and its impact on the role of communication for management and trust. The study contributes to theory by extending the existing literature on e-commerce and trust. Furthermore, the study also contributes to practice as e-commerce practitioners will be made aware of the evolving nature of technology, management, and the role of trust. Future research should aim to examine each type of e-technology in greater depth as multiple case studies in order to derive a generic model showing the link between the evolution of different types of e-technologies and trust.

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BOMBSHELL: Business Insider Kinda Brilliant

That, anyway, is the story according to the business press. The news comes from dogged reporters at Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, and other well-known chroniclers of the financial world. But if you can?t follow all of these guys?if you have neither the time nor the patience to wade through each new bulletin on the IPO?s disastrous path?there?s really only one place you need to check. Just visit Business Insider, Henry Blodget?s invaluable business news aggregation site. Not only does Blodget keep breaking news about the IPO himself, but he?s also rounding up everyone else?s scoops, rumors, and theories, and he?s wrapping it all up into intelligent, coherent analysis.

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Getting a Handle on Financial Fees | In-Home Senior Care Blog

Money or investment advice from a family member or friend may be helpful and free, but it is not necessarily the best approach for solid financial planning. A financial advisor could be your most profitable investment. A financial advisor is a professional who receives compensation for providing individual clients with financial guidance, advice and services such as investment management, income tax preparation and estate planning.

Financial advisors can carry one or more designations. Each designation holds its own requirements, and the majority of certifications require candidates to put in many hours of study and meet high ethical and professional standards. The more common financial advisor designations are:

  • Certified Financial Planner? (CFP?) ? Financial advisors with the CFP? designation have demonstrated competency in over 100 areas of financial planning, including stocks, bonds, taxes, insurance, retirement planning and estate planning. The CFP assists individuals by helping them understand financial options and make financial decisions based on their personal situation and future goals. The program is administered by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc., which posts information on its website about current licensees and whether CFPs are in good standing.
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) ? The CPA designation is for professionals who have completed coursework in accounting and tax preparation, but not in other areas of finance. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is sets ethical standards for the accounting profession and develops and grades the Uniform CPA Exam.
  • Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) ? A PFS is a financial planner who is also a CPA. PFSs have competency in all areas of personal financial planning, including estate, retirement, investments and insurance. The PFS designation is awarded by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to individuals who meet the educational criteria.
  • Certified Fund Specialist (CFS) ? These advisors hold a certification as an expert in mutual funds, often advising clients on which funds to invest in, and if they have their license, will buy and sell funds for clients.
  • Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) ? This designation is issued by the American College, and those who hold it work mostly as insurance agents. The CLU designation is given after completion of a 10-course program of study and 20 hours of exams. Topics in this course include life and health insurance, pension planning, insurance law, income taxation, investments, and financial and estate planning.

Understanding a financial advisor?s compensation
Financial advisors receive compensation and charge fees in a variety of ways. Each person?s financial situation is different, so not every method of paying a financial advisor makes sense for everyone. Before working with an advisor, be sure to ask for clarification about how fees are charged and what specific services are provided. Financial advisors may charge fees in any of the following ways:

    An hourly rate ? A pre-determined hourly amount charged for advice given and planning guidance. Rates vary depending on the experience level of the advisor.

    A flat fee for a specific project ? This fee is not tied to investments. It is a quoted and agreed upon rate and a clear description of what services are provided for that fee needs to be included.

    A quarterly or annual retainer fee ? This type of fee works well if the client has a complex financial situation. This may include a small business, rental properties or if regular income from investment is required. A written contract detailing all of the fees and services should accompany this arrangement.

    A fee charged as a percentage of assets ? The advisor charges a fee that is based on a percentage of your account value. The financial advisor?s compensation is directly correlated to your account value, so the advisor has the incentive to grow your account and to minimize losses. Typical fees range from 0.5 to 2 percent per year. The more assets a client has, the lower the fee percentage.

    Commissions received when a client purchases financial or insurance products through the advisor ? Commissions are paid on the front-end of a sale when a client purchases particular financial products. The client may ask the advisor how much the advisor is paid when investment or insurance products they recommend are bought.

    A combination of fees and commissions.

Fee-only vs. fee-based
An advisor?s compensation is either fee-only or fee-based. Fee-only advisors can only receive compensation from the client, not a brokerage firm, mutual company or insurance company. This may be as an hourly rate, a flat fee, a retainer or as a percentage of the client?s assets.

On the other hand, fee-based advisors can receive compensation from the client and commissions paid by a brokerage firm, mutual company, insurance company or investment partnership.

Asking questions to find a good financial advisor
Dana Anspach, CFP, RMA is founder of Sensible Money, LLC and a contributor to the Guide to Money Over 55 for investors over 55 years old. She recommends asking the following questions over the phone and prescreening a potential financial advisor, saving the face-to-face appointments for a couple of advisors you liked during the phone conversation.

1. Can you tell me about your ideal client? ? Any good financial advisor will have an area of expertise. The ideal financial advisor is someone who has expertise in working with clients who fit your profile in terms of asset level, stage of life and age.

2. Ask a potential financial advisor to explain a concept to you. ? By asking a question like one of the questions below, you are determining if you can understand the advisor?s explanation. The goal is to find someone who will be able to explain financial concepts in a language that makes sense to you. Consider asking:

  • What is passive versus active investing?
  • How do you determine what percentage of my money should be in stock versus bonds?
  • What do you think of annuities?
  • How do you determine how much cash I can withdraw each year without running out of money?

3. What assumptions do you use when running retirement planning projections? ? The advisor should be able to project a retirement plan for you. This helps you see how much money will be available to spend each year, taking into account life expectancy. The projection includes assumed rates of return for your assets, inflation rates, and personal spending needs and habits.

4. How are you compensated? ? The financial advisor should be able to detail all fees and services. You should ask questions until you completely understand how the compensation is paid.

Fees paid to financial advisors can be complicated. It is important for you and your financial advisor to establish a good rapport and regular communication from the onset of the relationship. You should always feel comfortable approaching the financial advisor, otherwise the arrangement may need restructuring or termination. A financial advisor should clearly understand your goals and risk tolerance before making investment recommendations. At that point, the advisor can develop a customized long-term financial plan for you.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nadal, Sharapova reach Italian Open final

Spain's Rafael Nadal returns the ball to David Ferrer during their semifinal match at the Italian Open tennis tournament, in Rome, Saturday, May 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Spain's Rafael Nadal returns the ball to David Ferrer during their semifinal match at the Italian Open tennis tournament, in Rome, Saturday, May 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Spain's Rafael Nadal celebrates after winning his semifinal match against compatriot David Ferrer at the Italian Open tennis tournament, in Rome, Saturday, May 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Spain's Rafael Nadal celebrates after defeating Spain's David Ferrer at the Italian Open tennis tournament semifinals, in Rome, Saturday, May 19, 2012. Nadal won 7-6 (6), 6-0. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Russia's Maria Sharapova celebrates after winning a point during her semifinal match against Germany's Angelique Kerber at the Italian Open tennis tournament, in Rome, Saturday, May 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Russia's Maria Sharapova returns the ball to Venus Williams of the United States at the Italian Open tennis tournament, in Rome, Friday, May 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

(AP) ? Five-time champion Rafael Nadal struggled with his backhand but overcame a difficult first set to beat fellow Spaniard David Ferrer 7-6 (6), 6-0 on Saturday to reach the Italian Open final.

Nadal's opponent Sunday will be the winner of the match between his two main rivals ? top-ranked Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer.

In women's play, Maria Sharapova defeated rising German player Angelique Kerber 6-3, 6-4. The Russian will defend her title against the French Open champion Li Na. The Chinese player advanced after Serena Williams withdrew shortly before their semifinal with a lower back injury.

Williams said the back problem affected her game earlier this week. But said she will be ready for the French Open which starts in a week.

"It was feeling a little stiff and I don't think this is the right moment to force (it)," she said. "I just want to relax and get ready for the next few months.

This is a good week to get better and I'm confident that I'll be 100 percent."

With Ferrer picking on his backhand and winning most of the long rallies early on, Nadal needed to save seven break points to hold his opening service game.

The first set was decided by just two key points. Early on in the tiebreaker, Ferrer was up a mini-break and in control of a point when he attempted a drop shot that landed in the net. Nadal regrouped and took control when he ran down a difficult half volley from Ferrer.

Of Nadal's 20 unforced errors in the first, 15 were backhands. It was his 11th consecutive win on clay against Ferrer.

Sharapova controlled the match with aggressive baseline play, leading 27-9 in winners while committing one fewer unforced error than the 12th-seeded Kerber.

"It feels good coming back to the place where you have accomplished so much and to be in the position to regain that position," Sharapova said. "I'm happy how I've progressed."

Sharapova has won three of her last five titles on clay, beating top-ranked Victoria Azarenka in the Stuttgart final last month to add to her titles in Rome last year and Strasbourg the year before. The French Open remains the only Grand Slam the Russian has yet to win.

"The most important thing is physically feeling stronger on the court and handling longer rallies and I recover better," Sharapova said of her clay-court game. "I have improved a lot in that department."

At 24, and just a year younger than Sharapova, Kerber won her first career title at the Paris Indoors this year and then took another title in Copenhagen. The German player will break into the top 10 for the first time in her career when WTA rankings are released Monday.

The final will be the fifth for Sharapova this year. She won Stuttgart and finished runner-up at the Australian Open, Indian Wells and Miami.

It will be Li Na's second final of 2012 after losing the Sydney championship to Victoria Azarenka.

Li Na beat Sharapova in the semifinals at last year's French Open. Sharapova won their last meeting in Miami in March.

Williams has a 17-match winning streak. She had won consecutive titles in Charleston, S.C., and Madrid. She also won two matches in Fed Cup.

Williams will move up one spot to No. 5 in the rankings Monday.

Several other players are also nursing injuries.

Azarenka withdrew with a right shoulder injury before her third-round match. Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova was bothered by an abdominal injury during a quarterfinal loss to Kerber. And Italy's Flavia Pennetta retired with a right wrist injury while trailing Williams 4-0 in the first set Friday.

On the men's side, fourth-ranked Andy Murray skipped last week's Madrid Open with a back problem and said it was still affecting him after a three-set loss to Richard Gasquet in the third round this week.

Associated Press

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Wall Street holds steady after Facebook opens

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Good cholesterol may not be what keeps the heart healthy

By themselves, higher levels of HDL don?t explain lower cardiovascular risk

Web edition : 1:22 pm

Some shine may have worn off ?good? cholesterol?s halo. A new genetics study shows that merely raising levels of high-density lipoprotein ? also known as HDL or good cholesterol ? does not help protect against heart attacks.

The finding appears to contrast sharply with population studies showing that people with high levels of HDL have a lower than average risk of heart attack. But the results, published online May 17 in the Lancet, may mean that blood levels of good cholesterol serve as indicators of some other biological process that protects the heart, and that HDL itself is not directly involved in heart health.

Doctors often use measurements of two types of cholesterol in the blood as a tool for identifying patients facing a higher risk of heart attack. Data collected from large studies show a consistent pattern: People with high levels of low-density lipoprotein, called LDL or bad cholesterol, stand a greater than average chance of having a heart attack. Those epidemiological data have been backed up by drug studies showing that lowering LDL levels also lowers heart attack risk.

But the case for HDL has been less clear. ?As a predictor, HDL is perfect. It?s unequivocal,? says Benjamin Voight, a geneticist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and a lead author of the new study. Yet drugs that raise HDL levels haven?t performed well in clinical trials. On May 7, the drug company Roche announced that a trial of its HDL-boosting drug dalcetrapib had been stopped because the drug was not effective.

Losing weight, stopping smoking and increasing exercise ? all actions that boost HDL levels ? also improve other heart disease risk factors. That has made it difficult to tease out just how protective HDL is on its own. To find out, Voight and his colleagues compiled blood test results and genetic data gathered in earlier studies from more than 116,000 people, including more than 20,000 who had suffered from heart attacks. About 2.6 percent of those studied carry a gene mutation that raises HDL cholesterol levels about 7 milligrams per deciliter over levels of people who don?t carry the mutation. That increase in HDL was expected to decrease the mutation-carriers? heart attack risk by 13 percent.

?But surprise, we didn?t find that,? says study coauthor Sekar Kathiresan, a cardiologist and geneticist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Mass. People genetically endowed to make higher levels of HDL didn?t have a lower risk of heart attack.

To make sure the result wasn?t a fluke, the researchers compiled a genetic score for 53,813 people based on the number of 14 other HDL-boosting genetic variants the person carries. Even people with the highest genetic score, and thus the highest HDL levels, weren?t protected from heart attack. To make sure the technique works properly, the researchers also compiled an LDL genetic score and got the expected answer: higher LDL levels were associated with higher heart attack risk.

?Maybe HDL is not what we should be worried about as such,? says Ruth Loos, a genetic epidemiologist at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Although the finding doesn?t seem to mesh with epidemiological studies, she says, ?to me the results are really credible and very convincing.?

While the genetic results indicate that HDL by itself doesn?t affect heart attack risk, ?I?m still hopeful. I don?t think the entire thing is hogwash,? Kathiresan says. He still believes that HDL is a marker for an interesting biological process going on behind the numbers. He and Voight hope to tease out the genetic components of that hidden process in future studies.

Found in: Biomedicine and Genes & Cells

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

HOME IMPROVEMENT ? Tools and Equipment

May 16th, 2012

It really is imperative at this point to take out just about all products from your storage that you don?t wish to preserve as well as that is to be not good for you or someone else. Issues that could require fix or even beyond repair should be make the waste. Items that can always possess some lifestyle may be donated with a community charity or even given away for free. If you are planning to donate as well as hand out products, be sure to do it properly absent. It is usually rather easy for you to delay doing things about this. The truth is, postponement could have resulted in your storage area finding yourself in this sort of disrepair. The best plan of action is gone monetary gift things immediately after obtaining these people.
As soon as the car port continues to be removed regarding unwanted/unusable goods, it is time to acquire products with the remaining things that must be stored. What is the lawnmower, a snow blower, as well as cycles? Are available equipment, nails, crazy, screws, and also other small parts? If you clarified ?yes? with the idea to of the inquiries you?ll probably decide specialized cupboards just like storage wardrobes as well as pieces storage canisters. Furthermore take note the length of the particular storage. Is it a bizarre designed structure? Are available obstructions? If the solution to possibly of people queries is actually ?yes? it may be necessary to have a custom built answer.
Now it is time to uncover several car port safe-keeping units. There are lots of product or service possibilities on the market for storage organization. The options that are available on the huge field retailers are likely not necessarily gonna match the greatest objective of growing your features of one?s storage. You want something in which weighs in the wall membrane in order to create much more space on the floor. You?ll want garage cabinets that come built to endure normal garage problems. This is when much of the big box store options tumble from the cracks. Those techniques are certainly not created to support underneath temp two opposites, being drinking water as well as chemical resilient, or keep together even with difficult coping with; all of which are circumstances you will discover inside standard storage area.
Picking a choice with what form of storage area program to get is obviously not as hard since too tricky however it is an option that needs to be produced soon after consideration and arranging. You may also wish to meet with a storage organizing expert to ensure that you have inside right path. Among the best all round choices for garage units are usually powdered ingredients covered wooden cabinets. A new powdered ingredients cover storage case will be waterproof, chemical substance proof, does not damage quickly, and it is available in an infinite variety of variations, measurements, and colors.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Car accident seriously injures 3 people in Texas | San Antonio ...

Recently, a Texas car collision left three people lucky to be alive. The accident occurred on April 27 when a driver, out for a birthday celebration, left the Longhorn Saloon on Bandera's Main Street sometime after midnight. Shortly after, a car accident occurred. The woman was said to be driving a 1999 Mustang south on Highway 16 when she rear-ended a motorcycle and crashed into two pedestrians walking along the side of the road.

The pedestrians were seriously injured and taken by air to a San Antonio Hospital. One of them was suffering from a lacerated liver and brain injury. Days later, the man was still heavily sedated and in the intensive care unit. The injuries to the other pedestrian are unknown, though, it was observed that he was released from the hospital by April 30. The motorcycle driver was taken by ambulance to Boerne Methodist. A family member said he had been released from the hospital and was at home recovering from his injuries.

The woman left the scene of the accident but turned herself in later the same day. She has since been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Depending upon the results of the investigation, she may be facing additional charges. Authorities believe that high speed was likely a factor in the accident. The woman posted a $75,000 bond and was released from jail the next day.

The accident is still under investigation. The parties injured in this car accident may have a legal basis to file a personal injury claim for injuries sustained as a result of this crash. All victims have presumably incurred medical costs and other damages; therefore, they may wish to assess their legal rights. While a civil claim will certainly not take away the trauma they experienced, it could help them financially as they attempt to recover from their injuries.

Source: Bandera County Courier, "Birthday crash almost snuffs 3 lives," Carolyn B. Edwards, May 3, 2012

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How To Start Meditation Techniques

In learning meditation techniques, one of the most important things that you need to learn first is rhythmic breathing or what is commonly referred to as meditation breathing techniques. Learning controlled or meditation breathing techniques is important so that a person meditating can only focus on the sound of his breath and block the noise coming from his or her environment.

In doing meditation breathing techniques, the most important to note is rhythm. You must be accustomed to the rhythm of your breathing in order to really relax the body and block everything that is happening around you. Many meditation guides state that in order to meditate you must first? learn correct meditation breathing techniques.?

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